quality assurance | |
curriculum management | |
1cHO |
national student statistics (Dutch) |
30%-regeling | 30% rule (for foreign employees) |
aanbesteding | tendering procedure |
aanbestedingswetgeving |
procurement legislation |
aandachtsgebied |
focus area |
aandachtspunt | area of concern |
aandeel |
share |
aanknopingspunt |
point of reference |
aankomende student | prospective student |
aanmelddatum |
registration deadline |
aanmelden (via Studielink) | enrol (via Studielink) |
aanmelden (voor een examen) | register (for an exam) |
aanmelding | registration (for a course, exam, test) |
aanmeldingcijfers | registration figures, number of applicants |
aansluiting (van programma's) | alignment (of programmes) |
aansluitmaster | follow-on Master's |
aanspraak (vakantie uitkering) | due (holiday allowance) |
aanspreekpunt |
point of contact |
aanstelling (baan) | position |
aanstelling (benoeming) | appointment |
aanstelling (tijdelijke) | temporary appointment |
aanstelling (vaste) | permanent appointment |
aanstellingsbesluit | appointment decision |
aanstellingsbrief | letter of appointment |
aanstellingsdatum | date of appointment |
aanvangsdatum |
starting date |
aanvraag | application, request (for) |
aanvullende beurs | supplementary / additional grant, scholarship |
aanwezigheidsplicht |
obligation to attend / compulsory attendance |
Aardrijkskunde |
Geography |
Aardwetenschappen |
Earth Sciences |
Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (ACTA) | Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA) |
academisch jaar | academic year |
Academisch Leiderschap | UvA Academic Leadership Programme |
Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC-UvA) | ---- |
academisch statuut | university statute |
academisch ziekenhuis | teaching hospital |
academische basisopleiding | basic academic training |
academische graad | university degree |
academische kalender | academic calendar |
academische lerarenopleiding | university teacher training programme |
academische vorming |
academic development |
academische vrijheid | academic freedom |
Academische Zaken (AZ) | Academic Affairs (AZ) |
Accountancy |
Accountancy |
Accountancy and Control |
Accountancy and Control |
accreditatieprocedure | accreditation procedure |
ACTA Holding BV |
ACTA Holding BV |
actiekader |
framework for action |
actieplan | action plan |
activerend leren |
active learning |
activerend onderwijs |
student-activating teaching |
Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance |
Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance |
Actuariële wetenschappen |
Actuarial Science |
adjunct (directeur) |
deputy (director) |
Administratief Centrum (AC) | Administration Centre (AC) |
administratief vooronderzoek | preliminary administrative review |
administratienummer | registration number |
Advanced master | Advanced Master's (degree programme) |
Advanced Matter and Energy Physics |
Advanced Matter and Energy Physics |
advies | advice, recommendation |
advies- en overlegorgaan | advisory and consultative body |
adviescommissie | advisory committee |
adviescommissie voor hoogleraren- en UHD-benoemingen |
Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Professors and Associate Professors |
adviesraad | advisory council |
adviesrapport (SIS) |
advisement report |
adviesrecht |
right to be consulted |
adviseur |
adviser |
adviseur integrale veiligheid |
Adviser Safety and Security |
adviseur P&O |
personnel adviser |
afdeling (niet-wetenschappelijk) |
unit, division |
afdeling (wetenschappelijk) |
department |
afdelingshoofd (niet-wetenschappelijk) |
director, head |
afdelingsvoorzitter |
department chair |
afgestudeerde | graduate |
afgifte (van bul) | issue (of degree certificate) |
afscheidsrede |
valedictory speech |
afsluitend examen | final review of a student's academic record |
afstandsmodule |
distance learning module |
afstandsonderwijs | distance education |
afstemmen |
align with |
afstudeerbegeleider |
(thesis / PhD) supervisor |
Afstudeerfonds |
--- |
afstudeerhandleiding |
graduation handbook |
afstudeerregeling |
graduation handbook |
afstudeerreglement |
graduation handbook |
afstudeerrendement |
graduation rate |
afstudeerrichting | main subject, major, subject specialisation |
afstudeerverklaring |
confirmation of graduation letter |
afstudeerwerk |
final projects |
afstuderen (in) | to graduate / complete one's studies / obtain one's degree (in) |
afwijzen | to fail / reject (someone) |
afwijzende beslissing |
negative decision |
aio-regeling | PhD student (AIO) regulations |
Akademiehoogleraar (KNAW) | Academy Professor (KNAW) |
Akkoord arbeidsduurverkorting bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam | Agreement on the Reduction in Working Hours at the University of Amsterdam |
Akkoord Specifieke en Algemene seniorenregeling Universiteit van Amsterdam | Agreement on Specific and General Senior Employee Schemes at the University of Amsterdam |
akte van bekwaamheid | teaching certificate |
alfa-informatica | computer applications in the Humanities |
alfacluster | arts cluster |
alfastudies | Arts |
alfawetenschappen | arts & humanities, arts & humanities subjects |
Algemeen Bestuurlijke en Juridische Zaken | General Executive Management and Legal Affairs |
Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds (ABP) | General Pension Fund for Public Employees (Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP) |
algemeen management | general management |
algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI) |
Institution Aimed at the Common Good (ANBI) |
Algemeen Promotiereglement | General Doctorate Regulations |
Algemene cultuurwetenschappen |
Cultural Studies |
Algemene economie |
Economics |
Algemene Instellingsgebonden Ethische Commissie (AIEC) | (University of Amsterdam) Ethics Committee (AIEC) |
Algemene literatuurwetenschap |
Literary Studies |
Algemene rechtsleer |
Jurisprudence |
Algemene sociale wetenschappen |
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences |
Algemene sociologie |
[not translated] |
algemene voorlichtingsdag | general information day |
Algemene wet bestuursrecht (awb) | General Administrative Law (awb) |
Allard Pierson |
Allard Pierson |
allocatiemodel | allocation model |
allochtone | of a non-Dutch background |
alumnikring | alumni chapter; alumni circle |
Alumnirelaties | Alumni Relations |
alumnus, alumni | alumnus, alumni |
ambtelijk secretaris (COR, GOR, CSR) |
Secretary |
AMC Graduate School for Medical Sciences | AMC Graduate School for Medical Sciences |
AMC Medical Research BV (AMR) |
AMC Medical Research BV (AMR) |
AMC Voorlichting | Academic Medical Center (AMC) Press Office |
American Studies |
American Studies |
Amerikanistiek |
American Studies |
AMSTEL Instituut | AMSTEL Institute |
Amstelcampus |
Amstel Campus |
Amsterdam Business School (ABS) | Amsterdam Business School (ABS) |
Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) |
Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) |
Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) | Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) |
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) |
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) |
Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE) |
Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE) |
Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM) | Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM) |
Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology |
Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology |
Amsterdam Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainability (ACELS) |
Amsterdam Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainability (ACELS) |
Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) | Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) |
Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (ACMES) |
Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (ACMES) |
Amsterdam Centre for Service Innovation (AMSI) | Amsterdam Centre for Service Innovation (AMSI) |
Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL) |
Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL) |
Amsterdam Circle for Gender and Law (ACGL) |
Amsterdam Circle for Gender and Law (ACGL) |
Amsterdam Circle for Law and Language (ACLL) |
Amsterdam Circle for Law and Language (ACLL) |
Amsterdam Faculty of Science (AFS) |
Amsterdam Faculty of Science (AFS) |
Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research |
Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research |
Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID) | Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID) |
Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDSt) | Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDSt) |
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) | Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) |
Amsterdam Master in Medical Anthropology |
Amsterdam Master's in Medical Anthropology |
Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS) | Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS) |
Amsterdam Professional School of Science | Amsterdam Professional School of Science |
Amsterdam Research Institute for Legal Studies |
Amsterdam Research Institute for Legal Studies |
Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) |
Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) |
Amsterdam School for Culture and History (ASCH) |
Amsterdam School for Culture and History (ASCH) |
Amsterdam School for Heritage and Memory Studies (ASHMS) |
Amsterdam School for Heritage and Memory Studies (ASHMS) |
Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES) |
Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES) |
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR) | Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR) |
Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE) | Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE) |
Amsterdam School of Real Estate | Amsterdam School of Real Estate |
Amsterdam Science Park |
Amsterdam Science Park |
Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC |
Amsterdam UMC, location AMC |
Amsterdam University College (AUC) | Amsterdam University College (AUC) |
Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum (AAC) |
Amsterdam Archaeological Centre (AAC) |
Amsterdams Instituut voor Arbeidsstudies (AIAS) |
Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) |
Amsterdams Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappen (AIM) | Amsterdam Institute for Social Sciences |
Amsterdams Universiteitsfonds (AUF) | Amsterdam University Fund (AUF) |
Amsterdamse Academische Club |
Amsterdam Academic Club (AAC) |
Amsterdamse School voor Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek | Amsterdam School for Social Sciences |
Amsterdamse Universiteits-Vereniging (AUV) | University of Amsterdam Alumni Association (AUV) |
Analytical Sciences |
Analytical Sciences |
Ancient History |
Ancient History |
Ancient Studies |
Ancient Studies |
antwoordmodel |
answer key |
Arabisch |
Arabic |
Arabische taal en cultuur |
Arabic Language and Culture |
Arbeid, organisatie en beleid |
Comparative Organisation and Labour Studies |
Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie |
Labour and Organisation Psychology |
arbeidsduur | working week |
arbeidsmarkt | labour market |
arbeidsmarkttoelage | labour market allowance |
arbeidsomstandigheden | working conditions |
arbeidsongeschikt | incapacity for work |
arbeidsovereenkomst | employment agreement |
Arbeidsrecht |
Labour Law |
arbeidsvoorwaarden | terms of employment |
arbeidsvoorwaardengelden | terms of employment funds |
arbo- en milieucoördinator |
occupational health, safety and environment coordinator |
Arbo- en milieuzaken | Occupational Health, Safety and Environment |
arbocoördinator |
occupational health and safety coordinator |
arbodeskundige | occupational health and safety expert |
Arbodienst AMC (locatie Spinozastraat) | AMC Occupational Health and Safety Service (Spinozastraat site) |
arbozorg | occupational health and safety management |
Archaeology of North-Western Europe |
Archaeology of North-Western Europe |
Archeologie |
Archaeology |
Archeologie en prehistorie |
Archaeology and Prehistory |
Archief- en informatiewetenschap |
Archives and Information Studies |
Archiefwetenschap |
Archival Science |
Artificial Intelligence |
Artificial Intelligence |
Artistic Research |
Artistic Research |
arts | physician, doctor |
arts-assistent | medical intern |
artsenopleiding | medical degree programme |
artsexamen | final degree examination in Medicine |
ascheidscollege |
valedictory lecture |
ASE Research Institute | ASE Research Institute |
aspirant student |
prospective student |
assistent bedrijfsvoering |
assistant head of operational management |
assistent-geneeskunde-in-opleiding (agio) |
medical intern, Specialist Registrar (SpR) [BrE] / Resident [AmE] |
assistent-in-opleiding (aio) |
-- |
Astrodeeltjesfysica | Astroparticle Physics |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
atheneum | 'atheneum' |
AUC Scholarship Fund | AUC Scholarship Fund |
Audit | Audit |
Audit Committee |
Audit Committee |
Aula | Aula |
avondonderwijs | evening classes |
Ba-Ma coördinator |
Bachelor's-Master's coordinator |
bachelor- en masteronderwijs | Bachelor's and Master's programmes |
bachelor-masterstructuur | Bachelor's-Master's degree structure |
bachelordiploma | Bachelor's degree certificate |
bachelorfase | Bachelor's phase |
bacheloronderwijs |
Bachelor's programmes |
bacheloropleiding | Bachelor's programme |
bachelorproef |
Bachelor's project |
bachelorscriptie |
Bachelor's thesis |
bachelorstudent | Bachelor's student |
bachelortitel | Bachelor's degree |
balie | information desk |
bama-structuur | Bachelor's-Master's structure |
basisbeurs | basic student grant |
basiscompetentieprofiel (docent) | basic profile of competences (lecturer) |
Basiskwalificatie onderwijs (BKO) | University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) |
basisvak / kernvak |
core course |
basisvorming | basic curriculum |
batum | revenue |
bedrijfsarts |
occupational physician |
Bedrijfsbureau | Operational Management Office |
bedrijfsgezondheidszorg | occupational healthcare service |
bedrijfshulpverlener (BHV'er) |
company emergency response officer |
Bedrijfshulpverlening (BHV) | Company Emergency Response |
Bedrijfsinformatie systemen |
Business Information Systems |
Bedrijfskunde |
Business Administration |
bedrijfsvoerder |
operational manager |
Bedrijfsvoering |
Operational Management |
beeldredacteur |
picture editor |
beeldvorming | public image |
begeleider | supervisor (in context of thesis / PhD) |
begeleiding | supervision |
beginnen-meedoen-afronden (BMA) |
start-participate-finish |
begroting | budget |
beheer | management |
beheersstructuur | management structure |
bekostigde (instelling voor hoger onderwijs / programma) | government-funded / subsidised (higher education institution / programme) |
bekostiging |
funding |
beleid | policy |
Beleid- en strategieontwikkeling | Policy and Strategy Development |
beleidsagenda | policy agenda |
beleidsmedewerker |
policy officer / adviser |
beleidsnota | policy document |
beleidsnotitie (universitaire) | (university) policy paper |
beleidsprogramma | policy programme |
beleidsvorming | policymaking |
bemiddelen | mediate |
bemiddeling | mediation |
benoemingsadviescommissie (hoogleraar) |
Appointments Committee |
benoemingsbeleid |
appointments policy |
benoemingscommissie |
Appointments Committee |
benoemingscommissie ad hoc |
Ad Hoc Appointments Committee |
benoemingseisen | appointment criteria, conditions of appointment |
beoordelen | assess |
beoordeling | assessment |
beoordelingsgesprek | assessment interview |
beoordelingsmodel |
grading form, assessment form |
beoordelingsrubric |
rubric |
beoordelingsvoet |
grading scheme |
beperkte doorstroom | (system of) limited transfer, transfer quota (system) |
beroep van onderwijsgevende | teaching profession |
beroepenveld | professional / occupational field |
beroepschrift |
(notice of) appeal |
beroepsgericht onderwijs (hbo) | professional education (HBO) |
beslistermijn |
decision period |
beslistermijn |
decision period |
besluit |
decision |
besturingsfilosofie |
governance model |
Besturingsmodel |
Governance Model |
bestuur (het besturen) | management |
bestuur (het) |
Board |
Bestuur en beleid |
Governance and Public Policy |
bestuurder |
executive staff / officer |
Bestuurlijke Informatie |
Institutional Research |
bestuurlijke ondersteuning | executive management support |
Bestuurs- en beheersreglement | Management and Administration Regulations |
Bestuursbeurs | Administrative Body Membership Grant |
Bestuursconvenant | Policy and Management Covenant |
bestuursgebouw | administration building |
bestuursjurist | administrative lawyer |
Bestuursondersteuning | Executive Management Support |
bestuursreglement (instelling) | regulations governing the administration |
bestuurssecretaris |
Executive Secretary to the Board |
Bestuursstaf | Executive Staff |
bestuursstructuur | management structure |
Bèta-gamma |
Natural and Social Sciences |
bèta-gamma disciplines |
natural science and social science disciplines |
bètafaculteit |
science faculty, Faculty of Science |
betalingsmodule collegegeld | Tuition Fee Payment Module |
bètamaster |
science Master's programme, a Master's in one of the (natural) sciences |
bètaopleiding |
(natural) science programme |
bètawetenschappen |
(natural) sciences |
beurs | grant, scholarship |
beurspromovendus | researcher with a scholarship |
beveiligd (fietsenstalling) | secure (bicycle parking) |
bevestiging van aanmelding | confirmation of registration |
bevestigingsbrief | letter of confirmation |
bevoegd gezag | competent authority, governing body |
bewaartermijn |
retention period |
bewaartermijn |
retention period |
bewijs van betaald collegegeld | proof of paid tuition fees |
bewijs van inschrijving | proof of enrolment |
bewijs van registratie (uitwisselingsstudent) | proof of registration (= student card) |
bewijs van toelating | confirmation of admission |
bezoldigingsbeleid |
remuneration policy |
bezwaarschrift | notice of objection |
bezwarenprocedure |
complaints / objection procedure |
bi-promotie | Bi-Doctorate |
Bibles and Cultures |
Bibles and Culture |
Biblical Studies |
Biblical Studies |
Bibliotheek van de UvA (UBA) - Universiteitsbibliotheek | Library of the UvA, University Library (UBA) |
Bijbelwetenschappen |
Bible Studies |
bijlage(n) | appendix, appendices |
bijvak | optional course |
bijvakstudent (niet van de UvA) | 'guest student' |
bijvakstudent (van de UvA) | UvA student who is enrolled for an optional course |
bijzonder hoogleraar |
professor by special appointment, special chair |
bijzonder verlof | special leave |
bijzondere beloning | special remuneration |
Bijzondere Collecties (van de UB) |
Special Collections (of the University Library) |
bijzondere instelling | private institution |
bijzondere leerstoel |
Special Chair |
binden |
engage / retain |
bindend studieadvies (BSA) | binding study advice (BSA) |
binding |
tie(s) / connection |
bindingspremie | retention allowance |
Binnengasthuis (BG) |
Binnengasthuis (BG) |
Binnengasthuisterrein (BG-terrein) |
Binnengasthuis premises |
Binnenstadscampus |
-- |
Bio-exact |
Life Sciences |
bio-medische wetenschappen | biomedical sciences |
Biological Sciences |
Biological Sciences |
Biologie |
Biology |
Biologie en fysische geografie |
Biology and Earth Science |
Biomedical Sciences |
Biomedical Sciences |
Biomedische wetenschappen |
Biomedical Sciences |
BKO-cursus | University Teaching Qualification course |
blad (wetenschappelijk) | journal |
blok | (study) period |
Boek van besluiten (College van Bestuur) | Book of Decisions (Executive Board) |
Boekwetenschap |
Book Studies |
Boekwetenschap en handschriftenkunde |
Book Studies and Paleography |
Bonger Instituut voor Criminologie |
Bonger Institute for Criminology |
borgen |
to safeguard |
bovenwettelijk verlof |
non-statutory leave |
Brain and Cognitive Sciences |
Brain and Cognitive Sciences |
breed (instelling) | comprehensive |
bron (inzetten voor een doel) | source (to exchange for a target) |
brutoberekening |
gross calculation |
budgethouder |
budget holder |
buitengewoon onderwijs (speciaal onderwijs) | special education |
buitenlandse student | international student |
buitenpromovendus |
external PhD / doctoral candidate |
bul | degree certificate |
Bureau Alumnirelaties en Universiteitsfonds (BAU) |
The Development & Alumni Relations Office |
Bureau Communicatie (BC) | Communications Office (BC) |
Bureau Examen- en Studiezaken | Examinations and Student Affairs Office |
Bureau Internationale Studentenzaken (BIS) | Office of International Student Affairs (BIS) |
Bureau Kennistransfer UvA-AUAS-AMC (BKT UvA-AUAS-AMC) |
Technology Transfer Office (TTO UvA-AUAS-AMC) |
Bureau Onderwijs Logistiek (BOL) |
Teaching Logistics Office (BOL) |
Bureau Pedel | Office of the Beadle (University Master of Ceremonies) |
Bureau Studentenartsen | --- |
Bureau van de Faculteit | Faculty Office |
Bureau van de Rector |
Office of the Rector |
Burgerschap, zorg en beleid (opleiding) |
Social Policy and Social Work |
Burgerservicenummer (BSN) | Citizen Service Number (BSN) |
bursaal | scholarship student |
Business Administration (MBA) |
Business Adminstration (MBA) |
Business Economics |
Business Economics |
Business Information Systems (BIS) |
Business Information Systems (BIS) |
Business Studies |
Business Studies |
CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten (CAO NU) |
Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities (CAO NU) |
capaciteitsbeheersing | restriction of (intake) capacity |
capaciteitsgroep | capacity group |
carrièrebegeleiding |
career counselling |
Celbiologie en histologie |
Cellular Biology and Histology |
Center for Urban Studies |
Center for Urban Studies |
Centraal Bestuurlijk Overleg (CBO) | Central Executive Council (CBO) |
Centraal Register Nevenwerk | Central Ancillary Activities Register |
Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs (CROHO) | Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes (CROHO) |
Centraal Register Organisatie (CRO) | Central Organisational Register (CRO) |
Centraal Stembureau | Central Voting Office |
Central Student Service Desk (CSSD) |
Central Student Service Desk |
centrale eenheden | central units |
Centrale Energievoorziening (CEV) |
Central Energy Facility (CEF) |
centrale klachtencommissie |
Central Complaints Committee |
Centrale klachtencommissie van de UvA | Central Complaints Committee of the UvA |
Centrale Meldkamer UvA | UvA Central Control Room |
Centrale Ondernemingsraad (COR) | Central Works Council (COR) |
Centrale Promovendiraad |
Central PhD Council |
Centrale Studentenadministratie (CSA) | Central Student Administration (CSA) |
Centrale Studentenraad (CSR) | Central Student Council (CSR) |
Centre for Children's Rights Amsterdam (CCRA) |
Centre for Children's Rights Amsterdam (CCRA) |
Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) | Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) |
Centrum Studie en Documentatie van Latijns Amerika (CEDLA) | Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) |
Centrum voor Amsterdamse Scholen voor Entrepreneurship (CASE) | Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) |
Centrum voor Energievraagstukken |
Centre for Energy Issues |
Centrum voor Kunst, Recht en Beleid |
Centre for Art, Law and Policy |
Centrum voor Nascholing Amsterdam (CNA) | Amsterdam Institute for Lifelong Learning in Education (CNA) |
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) |
certificaat | certificate |
certificate course | certificate course (i.e. non-degree) |
cesuur |
cut-off score |
cesuur |
cut-off score |
Chemistry |
Chemistry |
Children's Rights |
Children's Rights |
Christianity |
Christianity |
cijfer (examen) | mark, grade |
cijferlijst | list of marks; transcript |
civiel effect |
granting admission to licensed professions |
Classics |
Classics |
coassistent |
medical intern |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
Cognitive Science |
Cognitive Science |
Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) |
Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) |
collectieve sluitingsdagen | collective days off |
collega-hoogleraar |
fellow professor |
college (de les) | lecture |
College (organisatie-eenheid) |
College |
College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP) | (Dutch) Data Protection Authority (DPA) |
College of Child Development and Education |
College of Child Development and Education |
College of Communication | College of Communication |
College of Economics and Business | College of Economics and Business |
College of Humanities (CoH) | College of Humanities (CoH) |
College of Law |
College of Law |
College of Science | College of Science |
College Psychologie | College of Psychology |
College Sociale Wetenschappen | College of Social Sciences |
College van Beroep voor de Examens (CBE) |
Examination Appeals Board (CBE) |
College van Beroep voor het hoger onderwijs | Higher Education Appeals Board |
College van Bestuur (CvB) | Executive Board (CvB) |
College van Curatoren / Curatorium (van een bijzondere leerstoel) | Curatorial Panel (of a special Chair) |
College voor Promoties (CvP) | Doctorate Board (CvP) |
collegegeld | tuition fees |
collegegeld (bovenwettelijke) |
tuition fees exceeding the statutory minimum |
collegekaart | student ID card |
collegevrije periode (docenten) | teaching-free period |
collegevrije periode (studenten) | lecture-free period |
collegezaal | lecture room |
colloquium doctum | (university) entrance examination |
Commerciële communicatie en voorlichting |
--- |
Commerciële rechtspraktijk |
Commercial Legal Practice |
commissie | committee |
Commissie Democratisering en Decentralisering |
Democratisation and Decentralisation Committee |
Commissie Dispensatie UvA |
UvA Dispensation Committee |
Commissie Duurzaamheid | Sustainability Committee |
Commissie Employability Fonds | Employability Fund Committee |
Commissie Functiebeperking, Chronische ziekte, Arbeidsbeperking (FCA) |
Disability, Chronic Illness and Occupational Impairment Committee (FCA) |
Commissie Governance |
Governance Committee |
Commissie Intree | Introduction Week Committee |
Commissie Onderwijs en Onderzoek |
Education and Research Committee |
Commissie Studentenbezwaren | Student Appeals Committee |
commissie voor het colloquium doctum |
Board for University Entrance Examinations |
Commissie Voorzieningen Gehandicapten | Committee on Facilities for the Physically Disabled |
Commissie wetenschappelijke integriteit |
Academic Integrity Committee |
Communicatie en Voorlichting |
PR & Communications |
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen |
Communication and Information Studies |
communicatieadviseur |
communications officer / adviser |
communicatieadviseur mediabeleid en woordvoerder onderwijs |
communications adviser Media Policy and spokesperson for Educational Matters |
Communicatiewetenschap |
Communication Science |
Communication and Education (CE) |
Communication and Education (CE) |
Communication Science |
Communication Science |
Comparatieve neerlandistiek |
Comparative Dutch Studies |
Comparative Cultural Analysis |
Comparative Cultural Analysis |
Comparative Literature |
Comparative Literature |
Comparative Organisation and Labour Studies |
Comparative Organisation and Labour Studies |
competentie | competence; competency |
competentieprofiel |
competency profile |
Computational Science |
Computational Science |
Computer Science |
Computer Science |
computer-ondersteund onderwijs | computer-assisted learning |
Computerlinguïstiek |
Computational Linguistics |
computerpracticum |
computer lab session |
computerwerkplek | computer workstation |
Concern Control | Concern Control |
conferentie | conference |
Conflict Resolution and Governance |
Conflict Resolution and Governance |
congres | conference |
Congresbureau | -- |
Conservering en restauratie |
Conservation and Restoration |
Conservering en restauratie van cultureel erfgoed |
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage |
consilium abeundi |
binding study advice concerning the continuation of study (BSA) |
contacturen | contact hours / time |
Contemporary Asian Studies |
Contemporary Asian Studies |
contractonderwijs | contract teaching |
contractonderzoek | contract research |
contractstudent |
contract student |
Control |
Control |
controller |
controller |
convenant | covenant |
coördinator |
coordinator |
coördinator informatievoorziening |
information / data management coordinator |
copromotor (van promovendus) |
co-supervisor (of a doctoral / PhD student) |
Corporate communicatie |
Corporate Communication |
Corporate Communicatie |
Corporate Communications |
correctieverzoek (SIS) |
correction petition |
coschap Geneeskunde (AMC-UvA) | medical clerkship at AMC-UvA |
CREA-Studium Generale | CREA Studium Generale |
Crisis Management Team | Crisis Management Team |
criterium, criteria | criterion, criteria |
Critical Cultural Theory |
Critical Cultural Theory |
Cultural Analysis |
Cultural Analysis |
Cultural and Social Anthropology |
Cultural and Social Anthropology |
Cultural Industries |
Cultural Industries |
Cultural Sociology |
Cultural Sociology |
Cultureel erfgoed |
Cultural Heritage |
Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie |
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology |
Culturele antropologie en sociologie der niet-westerse samenlevingen |
Cultural and Social Anthropology |
Culturele informatiewetenschap |
Cultural Information Studies |
Cultuurgeschiedenis |
Cultural History |
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Europa |
History of European Culture |
Cultuursociologie |
Cultural Sociology |
cum laude | cum laude, with distinction, with honours |
cum laude |
cum laude |
cumulatieven | cumulative totals |
curriculum vitae (cv) | curriculum vitae (CV) |
cursistenbestand | student database |
cursus | course |
cursusaanbod | course listing / courses on offer |
cursusduur | course duration |
CvB-woordvoerder | Spokesperson of the Executive Board |
Dagelijks Bestuur (faculteit) | Faculty Board |
decaan (faculteit) |
dean |
decaan (studenten) |
student counsellor |
decanaat | deanship |
decentrale selectie |
decentralised selection |
deelactiviteit |
class section |
deelcertificaat | modular certificate |
deelcijfer |
partial mark; partial grade |
deelnemerslijst |
participants' list |
deeltentamen |
interim examination, interim exam |
deeltijdonderwijs | part-time programme |
deeltijdopleiding | part-time programme / course |
deeltijdstudent | part-time student |
deeltoets |
interim test, interim assessment [BrE] midterm test [AmE] |
deficiëntie cursus |
prerequisite / deficiency course, prerequisite |
deficiëntieregeling |
prerequisite regulation |
denkvaardigheden |
thinking skills |
Departement (FGw) |
Department |
dependance | auxiliary branch |
derde geldstroom | contract research funding / funding obtained through contract research / third flow of funds |
deskundige | expert |
Development Economics |
Development Economics |
dictaat | lecture notes |
didactiek | systematic instruction, (art of) teaching / didactics, instructional psychology, educational psychology |
dienst |
unit |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) |
Education Executive Agency (DUO) |
diensten directeurenoverleg (DDO) |
shared service units directors consultations (DDO) |
dienstjaar | year of service |
dienstreis | official travel |
dienstverband (vast / tijdelijk) | employment contract (temporary / permanent) |
dienstverlening |
service provision |
dienstverleningsoverleg (DO) |
service provision consultations (DO) |
Dies Natalis | Dies Natalis, the Dies, the University's birthday, the UvA's birthday |
Diesrede | the Dies speech |
differentiatie in beloning | differentiation in remuneration |
digitaal loket | digital service desk |
Digitaal Productiecentrum (DPC) | Digital Production Centre (DPC) |
digitaal toetsen |
online testing / computer-based testing |
digitale leeromgeving (DLO) |
virtual learning environment (VLE) |
digitalisering | digitalisation |
diploma | degree certificate; qualification |
diploma (SIS) |
degree certificate |
diploma-uitreiking | degree ceremony; graduation ceremony |
diplomamobiliteit |
diploma mobility |
diplomasupplement |
diploma supplement |
diplomering | certification |
directeur |
director |
directeur (opleiding) |
programme director |
directeur bedrijfsvoering (faculteit) |
director of operational management |
directeur onderwijs (faculteit) |
Director of Education |
directeurenoverleg |
directors consultations |
Directiesecretariaat |
Executive Secretariat |
discipline (wetenschappelijk) | discipline (academic), field of study |
disciplineorgaan |
disciplinary body |
Discourse and Argumentation Studies |
Discourse and Argumentation Studies |
discussiestuk | working paper |
dissertatie | doctoral thesis, dissertation |
divisie (van een Graduate School) | section |
Divisie Erfgoed (van de UBA) | Heritage Division (of the University Library) |
DNA onderzoek | DNA examination / research |
docent |
lecturer |
Docent van het Jaar [+ year] | UvA Lecturer of the Year [+ year] |
docent-lid (commissie) |
lecturer-member (committee) |
docent-onderzoeker |
lecturer-researcher |
docentenbeleid |
lecturer policy |
docentgeleding |
academic staff contingent |
docentprofessionalisering |
professionalisation of teaching |
docentvergoedingenmodel (DVM) |
lecturer compensation model (LCM) |
doctor (dr.), doctoren | doctor (PhD), doctors |
doctor honoris causa (benoemd tot) | doctor honoris causa (to be awarded the title of) |
doctoraal |
initial university degree |
doctoraat (verkrijgen / verlenen van) | doctorate (to obtain / grant) |
doctoraat honoris causa | honorary doctorate |
doctorandus (drs.) |
'doctorandus' |
Documentaire Informatievoorziening (DIV) | Department of Records and Information Services (DIV) |
Documentaire informatiewetenschap |
--- |
doorstromen | move on (or up) to another level or form of education |
doorstroming | transfer mobility |
doorstroming (P&O) |
advancement (P&O) |
doorstroom | transfer rate |
doorstroomeisen | transfer requirements |
doorstroommaster | follow-on Master's |
dossierdiploma | transcript (of academic record); certificate of attendance |
double degree programma | double degree programme |
Dr. | Dr [no period] |
Dr. Th.J. Seenbergenfonds |
Dr Th.J. Steenbergen Fund |
Dramaturgie |
Dramaturgy |
duaal student | student taking a dual Master's programme |
duale master | dual Master's (programme) |
duale opleiding |
work-study degree programme |
dubbele bachelors | double Bachelor's degree programme |
Duisenberg School of Finance (DSF) | Duisenberg School of Finance (DSF) |
Duits |
German |
Duitse letterkunde |
German Literature |
Duitse taal en cultuur |
German Language and Culture |
Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam |
Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam |
Duitslandstudies |
German Studies |
Dutch Art |
Dutch Art |
Dutch Golden Age Studies |
Dutch Golden Age Studies |
Dutch Studies |
Dutch Studies |
duur en omvang dienstverband student-assistent | duration and scope of student assistant's employment |
Duurzame Geesteswetenschappen |
Sustainable Humanities |
duurzame inzetbaarheid |
long-term employability |
dynamisering (kleine) | stimulation (small-scale) |
Earth Sciences |
Earth Sciences |
EC |
Ecology and Evolution |
Ecology and Evolution |
Econometrics |
Econometrics |
Econometrie | Econometrics |
Econometrie en operationele research |
Econometrics and Operations Research |
Economics |
Economics |
Economie | Economics |
Economie en bedrijfskunde |
Economics and Business Administration (when offered in Dutch) Economics and Business (when offered in English) |
Economische en sociale geschiedenis |
Economic and Social History |
educatieve master | Master's degree in teaching |
educatieve masteropleiding | Master's degree programme in teaching |
educatieve minor | Education minor |
Educational Sciences |
Educational Sciences |
eenheid (algemeen) | organisational unit |
eerste bachelorjaar (bachelor-1) |
year 1 of Bachelor's programme |
eerste geldstroom | government funding / direct funding / first flow of funds |
eerste inschrijving | first enrolment |
eerstegraads lerarenopleiding | training for first-level qualification in secondary school teaching |
eerstegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid | teaching qualification for secondary education, first level |
eerstejaarsprogramma | first-year programme |
eerstejaarsstudent | first-year student |
Eggens Instituut voor Juridisch Postacademisch Onderwjs | Eggens Institute for Legal Postgraduate Education |
eigen bijdrage | supplementary fee; personal or own contribution |
eigen verklaring | personal declaration |
eindcijfer |
final mark |
einddoel | final / ultimate objective |
eindejaarscohort | year-end cohort |
eindejaarsuitkering | year-end allowance |
eindexamen | school-leaving examination |
eindexamenkandidaat vwo | pupil who is sitting the school-leaving examinations of pre-university / preparatory education |
eindniveau |
exit level |
eindresultaat |
final mark |
eindterm |
learning outcome |
eindtermen (van de opleiding) |
exit qualifications |
eindtoets |
final test |
eindwerkstuk |
final assignment |
elektronische leeromgeving (ELO) | electronic learning environment (ELO) |
emeritaat (met ... gaan) |
be accorded emeritus status / to retire |
emeritus hoogleraar |
emeritus professor |
employability | employability |
Employability Fonds |
Employability Fund |
Engels |
English |
Engelse taal en cultuur |
English Language and Culture |
Engelstalige letterkunde |
Literature in English |
Engelstalige master | Master's degree programme taught in English |
Engelstalige Studiewijzer Masteropleidingen |
Master's Programmes Study Guide (Studiewijzer Masteropleidingen) |
Enterprise Risk Management |
Enterprise Risk Management |
Entertainment communicatie |
Entertainment Communication |
Entrepreneurship |
Entrepreneurship |
Environmental Management |
Environmental Management |
Erasmus Mundus master | Erasmus Mundus Master's degree programme |
Erasmus Mundus Master International Migration and Social Cohesion |
Erasmus Mundus Master International Migration and Social Cohesion |
Erasmus Mundus Master Journalism, Media and Globalisation |
Erasmus Mundus Master Journalism, Media and Globalisation |
eredoctor | honorary doctor |
eredoctoraat | honorary doctorate |
erepromotie | conferment of an honorary degree, honorary degree ceremony |
Erepromotor | Honorary Supervisor |
erfgoed |
heritage, heritage collections |
Erfgoedstudies |
Heritage Studies |
erfstelling |
testamentary disposition |
Ethiek |
Ethics |
European and International Labour Law |
European and International Labour Law |
European Communication Studies |
European Communication Studies |
European Private Law |
European Private Law |
European Union Business Law |
European Union Business Law |
European Union in a Global Order |
European Union in a Global Order |
European Union Law |
European Union Law |
Europees Baccalaureaat (EB) | European Baccalaureate (EB) |
Europees beleid |
European policy |
Europese letterkunde |
European Literature |
Europese studies |
European Studies |
Evidence Based Practice |
Evidence Based Practice |
Evolutiebiologie | Evolutionary Biology |
exacte wetenschappen | exact / natural sciences |
examen |
examination; final examination (OER); review of a student's academic record |
Examencommissie | Examinations Board |
examengeld | examination fees |
examenpakket | examination subjects |
Examenregister | Examination Register |
Examenreglement | Examinations Regulations |
examinator | examiner |
Excellentie Platform |
Excellence Platform |
excellentieprogramma |
Excellence programme |
excellentiestrategie |
Excellence strategy |
excellentietraject |
Excellence track |
Executive master | Executive Master's (degree programme) |
Experimentele sociale psychologie |
Experimental Social Psychology |
Expertisecentrum Academische zaken (ECA) | Office for Academic Affairs (ECA) |
Expertisecentrum voor Taxonomische Identificatie |
Expertise Centre for Taxonomic Identification |
Expertisetafel onderwijs (ICT) |
ICT & Education Programme Council |
exploitatiejaar |
operating year |
externe visitatie | external assessment |
extraneus | external candidate / student |
extraterritoriaal | extraterritorial |
Facilitaire Dienst |
Facilities |
facilitaire eenheid | services unit |
Facilitaire Zaken | Facilities |
Facility Services (FS) |
Facility Services (FS) |
facultair (commissie / instituut) | faculty (committee / institute) |
facultair bestuur |
faculty board |
Facultair Communicatienetwerk (FCN) | Faculty Communication Network (FCN) |
Facultair overleg bedrijfsvoering (FGw) |
Faculty Council of Operational Management |
facultaire diensten |
Faculty service departments |
Facultaire erepenning voor bijzondere verdiensten |
Faculty Special Merit Award |
Facultaire informatiemanager |
Faculty ICT manager |
Facultaire ondernemingsraad | Faculty Works Council |
Facultaire Ondersteuning |
Faculty Service Department |
facultaire onderzoeksdirecteur |
Faculty research director |
Facultaire Raad van de afdelingsvoorzitters |
Faculty Council of department chairs |
Facultaire Studentenraad (FSR) |
Faculty Student Council (FSR) |
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen (FGw) | Faculty of Humanities (FGw) |
Faculteit der Geneeskunde (AMC-UvA) | Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) |
Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen (FMG) | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG) |
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica (FNWI) | Faculty of Science |
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid (FdR) | Amsterdam Law School |
Faculteit der Tandheelkunde (ACTA) | Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) |
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde (FEB) | Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) |
Faculteitsbestuur | Faculty Board |
Faculteitsbureau | Faculty Office |
faculteitsdirecteurenoverleg (FDO) |
faculty directors consultations |
faculteitshoogleraar (FMG) |
distinguished research professor |
Faculteitsreglement | Faculty Regulations |
faculteitssecretaris |
Faculty Secretary |
faculteitswinkel | faculty shop |
feestdagen | public and bank holidays |
Film Studies |
FIlm Studies |
Filmstudies | Film Studies |
Filosofie |
Philosophy |
Filosofie van kunst en cultuur |
Philosophy of Art and Culture |
Finance |
Finance |
Finance and Control (opleiding) | Finance and Control |
Financial Econometrics |
Financial Econometrics |
Financial Planning |
Financial Planning |
financieel jaarverslag | annual financial report |
Financiële Zaken |
Financial Affairs |
Financiën & Control (F&C) |
Finance & Control (F&C) |
fiscaal econoom | tax economist |
fiscaal jurist | tax lawyer |
Fiscaal recht |
Tax Law |
fiscale bijtelling | additional tax liability |
Fiscale economie |
Fiscal Economics |
fiscale faciliteit | tax benefit |
fixusregeling | quota regulations |
flexplek | hot desk |
flexstuderen |
flexible learning |
Folia Magazine |
Folia Magazine |
fonds op naam |
named endowment fund |
Fonds ter stimulering van de toename van vrouwen in de hogere wetenschappelijke rangen |
Fund for Stimulating the Employment of Women in the Ranks of Higher Education |
Fonds voor de Amsterdamse gouden eeuw |
Fund for the Amsterdam Golden Age |
fondsenwerving |
fundraising |
Fonetische wetenschappen |
Phonetic Sciences |
Forensic Science |
Forensic Science |
Forensics |
Forensics |
Forensische orthopedagogiek |
Forensic Child and Youth Care Sciences |
formatiebeginsel | permanent staff position principle |
formatieplaats (fte) | full-time equivalent / staff position (FTE) |
formatieve toetsing |
formative assessment |
formulier | form |
Frans |
French |
Franse letterkunde |
French Literature |
Franse taal en cultuur |
French Language and Culture |
Fraude en plagiaat regeling studenten UvA |
Regulations governing Fraud and Plagiarism for UvA Students |
Friends of the University of Amsterdam |
Friends of the University of Amsterdam |
FS Inkoop |
Facility Services Purchasing Department |
functie | job, position |
functieniveau | job level |
functieprofiel | job profile |
functieschaal |
salary scale |
functietitel | job title |
Functietyperingen, benoemings- en bevorderingseisen wetenschappelijk personeel | Framework for Requirements for Job Descriptions, Appointments and Promotions of UvA Academic Staff |
functionaris gegevensbescherming |
data protection official |
functionele regie | operational steering |
functioneren (aan de UvA) | working (at the University of Amsterdam) |
functioneringsgesprek | --- |
functioneringstoelage | performance-based allowance |
fundamenteel onderzoek | fundamental research |
Future Planet Studies |
Future Planet Studies |
Fysica | Physics |
Fysische geografie | Physical Geography |
G. K. van Hogendorpcentrum |
G. K. van Hogendorp Centre |
Gaming |
Gaming |
gammafaculteit | social sciences faculty |
gammawetenschappen | social sciences |
garantietoelage minimumloon | minimum wage allowance |
gastcollege |
guest lecture |
gastdocent |
guest lecturer (short stay) / visiting lecturer (longer stay) |
gasthoogleraar |
visiting professor |
gastonderzoeker |
Guest / Visiting Researcher |
Gebarentaalwetenschap |
Sign Linguistics |
gebied (wetenschaps-) | field, subject area, academic discipline |
gebiedsbestuur | divisions and institutes, thematic programmes |
gebonden keuzevak | restricted-choice elective |
gebouwbeheerder |
building manager |
Gebouwen en Voorzieningen |
Accommodation and Facilities |
gebruikersgroep |
user group |
gediplomeerde | graduate |
Gedrag en gezondheid |
Behaviour and Health |
Gedrag en maatschappij |
Behaviour and Society |
Gedrag en samenleving | Behaviour and Society |
gedragscode | code of conduct |
Gedragscode vreemde talen UvA 2000 | Code of Conduct governing Foreign Languages at the University of Amsterdam 2000 |
gedragswetenschappen | behavioural sciences |
geesteswetenschappen |
Humanities |
gegrondheid |
validity |
gehonoreerd (prijswinnaar) | selected (recipient of prize) |
geldigheidsduur |
validity period |
geldstroom | flow of funds |
gelieerde instelling | affiliated institution |
gelieerden (personeel) | affiliated (staff) |
Gemeenschappelijk Ondernemingsraad Diensten (GOR) | Joint Works Council for the Shared Service Units (GOR) |
gemeenschappelijke diensten |
shared service units |
gemeenschappelijke dienstverlenende eenheden (GDE's) |
shared service units (GDEs) |
gemeenschappelijke regeling |
joint regulations |
Gemeenschappelijke vergadering (FGw) |
Joint Meeting (FGw) |
gemiddelde personele lasten (GPL) |
average personnel costs |
Gender, Sexuality and Society |
Gender, Sexuality and Society |
Geneeskunde |
Medicine |
General Biology |
General Biology |
General Linguistics |
General Linguistics |
Geo-ecological Dynamics |
Geo-ecological Dynamics |
Geografie, planologie en internationale ontwikkelingsstudies |
Geography, Planning and International Development Studies |
gepromoveerd (wetenschappelijk) onderzoeker | postdoctoral researcher |
Geschiedenis |
History |
Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting |
History and Civics |
Geschiedenis van de bouwkunst |
History of Architecture |
Geschiedenis van de hermetische filosofie en verwante stromingen |
History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents |
Geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen |
History of International Relations |
Geschiedenis van het christendom |
History of Christianity |
Geschiedenis, archeologie en regiostudies |
History, Archaeology and Area Studies |
Geschillenadviescommissie studentenbezwaren | Arbitration Committee for Student Objections |
gesloten toetsvraag |
closed test question |
gesponsorde leerstoel | endowed chair |
getuigschrift | degree certificate / university diploma |
gewaarmerkte kopie | certified copy (degree certificate) |
gewicht (van toetsonderdelen in het eindcijfer) |
weight, weighting |
gewogen (studieresultaat) |
weighted |
gezamenlijk directeurenoverleg (GDO) |
joint directors consultations (GDO) |
gezamenlijk doctoraat |
joint doctorate |
gezamenlijke overlegvergadering (GOV) |
Joint Consultative Meeting (GOV) |
Gezamenlijke vergadering (GV) |
Joint Meeting |
Gezondheidsrecht |
Public Health Law |
Gezondheidszorgpsychologie |
Healthcare Psychology |
Godsdienst en levensbeschouwing |
Religious Studies |
gokkans (giscorrectie) |
correction for guessing |
Golden Age Studies |
Golden Age Studies |
Gouden Eeuw |
Golden Age |
Governance and Valuation |
Governance and Valuation |
graad (verlenen) | degree (to award a) |
graduate (student) | --- |
Graduate School |
Graduate School |
Graduate School of Business |
Graduate School of Business |
Graduate School of Child Development and Education | Graduate School of Child Development and Education |
Graduate School of Communication | Graduate School of Communication |
Graduate School of Economics |
Graduate School of Economics |
Graduate School of Humanities (GSH) |
Graduate School of Humanities (GSH) |
Graduate School of Informatics | Graduate School of Informatics |
Graduate School of Law |
Graduate School of Law |
Graduate School of Life and Earth Sciences | Graduate School of Life and Earth Sciences |
Graduate School of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences |
Graduate School of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences |
Graduate School of Professional Science | Graduate School of Professional Science |
Graduate School of Psychology | Graduate School of Psychology |
Graduate School of Sciences |
Graduate School of Sciences |
Graduate School of Social Sciences | Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Graduate Studies Committee | Graduate Studies Committee |
gratificaties arbeidsprestatie | perfomance bonus |
Gravitation Astroparticle Physics Amsterdam |
Gravitation Astroparticle Physics Amsterdam |
Green Life Sciences |
Green Life Sciences |
Grid Computing |
Grid Computing |
Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur |
Greek and Latin Language and Culture (if Bachelor's or Master's programme) Classics (if Teacher Training programme) |
griffier van het College van Bestuur |
Clerk to the Executive Board |
groepsstructuur |
group structure |
grondslagen | base figures |
Grote Sta-penning |
Distinguished Stapenning honorary medallion |
gymnasium | 'gymnasium' |
Handleiding Inschrijving | Registration Guidelines |
handmatig voorschot | manual advance |
Handreiking archivering onderwijsadministraties |
Archiving Guide for Programme Administrations |
Handreiking Examencommissies UvA |
Guide for UvA Examinations Boards |
Handreiking voor het voeren van jaargesprekken | Guide for Conducting Annual Consultations |
Handreiking werving en selectie | Recruitment and Selection Guide |
harde knip (de) | the 'Bachelor-before-Master' rule, clean break between Bachelor's and Master's education, clear separation |
hardheidsclausule |
hardship clause |
havist | student of senior general secondary education (HAVO) |
havo (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs) | senior general secondary education (HAVO) |
hbo-bacheloropleiding | undergraduate degree programme with an applied emphasis |
hbo-masteropleiding | postgraduate degree programme with an applied emphasis |
Hebreeuws |
Hebrew |
Hebreeuws, Aramees en Joodse studies |
Hebrew, Aramaic and Jewish Studies |
Hebreeuwse taal en cultuur |
Hebrew Language and Culture |
herexamen | resit |
herinschrijver |
student who re-enrols |
herintreedster, herintredende vrouw | returner, woman returner |
herkansing (examen) |
resit |
Hermetische filosofie |
Hermetic Philosophy |
hernoembaar | may be reappointed |
Heroriëntatietraject |
Reorientation Programme |
herplaatsing | re-employment |
hersteltermijn |
rectification term |
hertentamen | retake, resit |
Historische Nederlandse letterkunde |
Historical Dutch Literature |
History of Economic Theory and Methodology of Economics |
History of Economic Theory and Methodology of Economics |
hoger agrarisch onderwijs (hao) |
higher education in agriculture (HAO) |
hoger beroepsonderwijs (hbo) | higher education with an applied emphasis (HBO) |
hoger economisch onderwijs (heo) | higher education in economics and management (HEO) |
hoger onderwijs (ho) | higher education (HO) |
Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoekplan (HOOP) | Higher Education and Research Plan (HOOP) |
hoger technisch onderwijs (hto) | higher education in engineering and technology (HTO) |
hogeschool | university of applied sciences |
Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) |
Holocaust- en genocidestudies |
Holocaust and Genocide Studies |
honorair hoogleraar |
Honorary Professor |
honourscommissie |
honours committee |
honoursprogramma | Honours programme |
honourstraject |
Honours track |
hoofd |
director / head |
hoofd Bedrijfsbureau |
Director of Operational Management Office |
hoofd bedrijfsvoering |
head of operational management |
hoofd Bureau Communicatie |
Director of Communications Office |
hoofd gebouwen en voorzieningen |
Director of Buildings and Facilities |
hoofd onderwijs |
director of education |
hoofd onderwijsbureau |
director of the Education Office / Education Office director |
hoofd onderwijsinstituut |
director of a College / director of a Graduate School |
hoofdassistent |
senior assistant |
hoofddocent |
--- |
hoofdoelstelling | primary objective |
hoofdonderzoeker |
principal researcher |
hoofdredacteur (web) |
Chief Editor |
hoofdvak | major |
hoogleraar (gewoon) |
professor (full) |
hoogleraar ad personam |
professor ad personam, personal chair |
hoorcollege | lecture |
Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut (HSI) | Hugo Sinzheimer Institute (HSI) |
Huisartsen Oude Turfmarkt |
General Practitioners Practice UvA |
Huisartsgeneeskunde | General Medical Practice |
huishoudelijk reglement | standing regulations |
Huishoudelijk Reglement Opleidingscommissies |
Standing Regulations for Programme Committees |
huisstijl (UvA) | corporate identity |
huisvesting (studenten) | housing |
HuisvestingsOntwikkeling (HO) |
Real Estate Development (HO) |
Huisvestingsplan (HVP) |
Accommodations Plan |
huiswerkopdracht |
take-home assignment |
huiswerkregeling |
take-home assignment arrangement |
Huizinga Instituut | Huizinga Institute |
Human Centered Multimedia |
Human Centered Multimedia |
Human Geography |
Human Geography |
Human Resource Management |
Human Resource Management |
human resources management (HRM) |
human resources management (HRM) |
huur-verhuurmodel |
rental model |
ICT Services (ICTS) |
ICT Services (ICTS) |
ICT-in-Onderwijs coördinator |
Educational Technology coordinator |
ICT-infrastructuurgroep (IIG) |
ICT Infrastructure Group (IIG) |
ICT&O Programmaraad | -- |
ICT & Education |
Identity and Integration |
Identity and Integration |
Illustere School (FGw) | Illustere School (FGw) |
imagologie | imagology |
Immunology |
Immunology |
in control verklaring / verantwoording |
'in control' statement |
in het bijzonder |
specialising in |
inaugurele rede | inaugural lecture / address |
incidentele betaling | incidental payment |
Industrial Organisation |
Industrial Organisation |
Informatica |
Computing Science |
informaticus | computer scientist |
Informatie Regie Secretariaat (IRS) |
ICTS Services Policy Office |
Informatie- en communicatie technologie (ICT) | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) |
informatiebeleid (algemeen) | information policy |
Informatiecentrum Geesteswetenschappen | Faculty of Humanities Information Centre |
Informatiekunde |
Information Science |
informatiemanager |
ICT manager |
Informatierecht |
Information Law |
Informatiesystemengroep (ISG) |
Information Systems Group (ISG) |
informatiewetenschappen |
Informatics |
Information Law |
Information Law |
Information Management |
Information Management |
Information Studies |
Information Studies |
informatisering | information technology |
Informatiseringscentrum (IC) |
-- |
ingaande mobiliteit |
inbound mobility |
ingangseisen | entry requirements |
ingenieur (ing.) | 'ingenieur' (ing.) |
ingenieur (ir.) | 'ingenieur' (ir.) |
ingeschrevene | registered / enrolled student |
inhouding | deduction |
initiële opleiding |
initial / undergraduate degree programme |
inkomstenverhouding | labour sequence number |
inloopspreekuur | open office consultation hours; walk-in hours |
Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) |
Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) |
inrichting (van de universiteit / van een opleiding) |
organisation |
inroostering | classroom timetabling |
inschrijfformulier (opleiding) | application form |
inschrijfformulier (vak) | registration form |
inschrijfgeld | application fee |
inschrijven (universiteit, opleiding) | enrol (at a university / in a study programme) |
inschrijving | enrolment |
Inschrijvingsbesluit Universiteit van Amsterdam | Enrolment Provisions for the University of Amsterdam |
inschrijvingsduur | maximum period of enrolment |
inschrijvingsvereisten (SIS) |
enrolment requirements |
instelling | institution |
instellingsaudit |
institutional audit |
instellingsbestuur |
institutional management |
instellingscollegegeldtarief | institutional tuition fee rate |
Instellingsplan | Strategic Plan |
Instellingsplan 2011-2014: Oog voor talent |
Strategic Plan 2011-2014: An Eye for Talent |
instellingstarief | institutional fee |
Instellingstoets Kwaliteitszorg |
Institutional Quality Assurance Audit |
instemmingsrecht |
right of consent |
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) | Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) |
Institute of Physics (IoP) |
Institute of Physics (IoP) |
instituut | institute |
Instituut Taalonderzoek en Taalonderwijs aan Anderstaligen (ITTA) | Amsterdam Institute for Language Research and Teaching (ITTA) |
Instituut voor Bedrijfs- en Industriële Statistiek (IBIS UvA) |
Insitute for Business and Industrial Statistics of the UvA (IBIS UvA) |
Instituut voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica (IBED) | Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) |
Instituut voor Geografie, Planologie en Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies | Institute for Geography, Urban and Regional Planning and International Development Studies |
Instituut voor Informatica (IvI) | Informatics Institute (IvI) |
Instituut voor Informatierecht (IViR) | Institute for Information Law (IViR) |
Instituut voor Interdisciplinaire Studies (IIS) | Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) |
Instituut voor Migratie- en Etnische Studies (IMES) | Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) |
Instituut voor Multiculturele Ontwikkeling | Institute for Multicultural Development |
Instituut voor Nederlands Taalonderwijs en Taaladvies (INTT) |
Institute for Dutch Language Education (INTT) |
Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica (ITFA) | Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) |
instromende studenten | incoming students |
instroom |
student intake |
instroombeleid | intake policy |
instroomeisen | admission criteria / requirements |
instroommoment |
entry date |
intake-gesprek | intake (interview) |
integrale kostprijs (full cost model) |
full cost model |
Integrative Plant Sciences |
Integrative Plant Sciences |
Intelligent Systems |
Intelligent Systems |
intensieve begeleiding | intensive coaching |
interdisciplinair |
interdisciplinary |
interdisciplinaire master | interdisciplinary Master's (programme) |
interfacultair | interfaculty |
Interfacultaire Lerarenopleidingen (ILO) | Interfaculty Teacher Training Programmes (ILO) |
intern accountant | internal accountant |
Internal Auditing (opleiding) | Internal Auditing |
Internationaal en Europees belastingrecht |
International and European Tax Law |
Internationaal en Europees publiekrecht |
Public International Law and European Law |
International and European Law |
International and European Law |
International Criminal Law |
International Criminal Law |
International Development Studies |
International Development Studies |
International Economics |
International Economics |
International Finance |
International Finance |
International Financial Economics |
International Financial Economics |
International Management and Sustainability (opleiding) | International Management and Sustainability |
International Performance Research |
International Performance Research |
International Relations |
International Relations |
International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS) | --- |
International Trade and Investment Law |
International Trade and Investment Law |
Internationale betrekkingen |
International Relations |
internationale master | international Master's (programme), Master's programme taught in English |
internationale samenwerking | international cooperation |
Internationale Studenten Barometer (ISB) |
International Student Barometer (ISB) |
internationalisering | internationalisation |
internationaliseringsbeleid | internationalisation policy |
intervisie |
peer feedback |
intreeweek |
Introduction Week |
introductiedagen |
orientation programme |
introductieprogramma | orientation programme |
invullen | complete / fill in |
inzage (ter) |
available for inspection |
inzagemoment |
feedback session, inspection session |
inzagerecht |
right to feedback, right to inspection |
inzetbaarheid | deployability |
inzetten |
deploy |
Islam in de moderne wereld |
Islam in the Modern World |
IT Auditing (opleiding) | IT Auditing |
Italiaans |
Italian |
Italiaanse letterkunde |
Italian Literature |
Italiaanse taal en cultuur |
Italian Language and Culture |
iudicia |
degree classifications |
ius promovendi |
ius promovendi |
jaarcoördinator |
year coordinator |
Jaarfondscampagne (Amsterdams Universiteitsfonds) |
Annual Fundraising Campaign (Amsterdam University Fund) |
jaargesprek | annual consultation |
jaargroepenbeleid | class policy |
jaaropgaaf |
Annual Salary Statement |
jaarplan |
annual plan |
jaarplan onderwijs |
annual teaching plan |
jaarprogramma |
annual plan |
jaarrekening |
Annual Statement of Accounts |
jaarverslag |
Annual Report |
Jeugd en media |
Youth and Media |
jeugdsalaris | youth salary |
Jewish Cultures |
Jewish Cultures |
joint degree | joint degree |
Journalistiek |
Journalism |
Journalistiek en communicatiewetenschap |
Journalism and Communication Science |
Journalistiek en media |
Journalism and Media |
judicium |
annotation |
judicium abeundi |
unsuitability |
junior docent-onderzoeker (judooz) |
junior lecturer-researcher |
junior onderzoeker |
junior researcher |
Juridische Bibliotheek |
Law Library |
Juridische Zaken (JZ) | Legal Affairs (JZ) |
jurist | legal adviser |
Kader Benoemings- en Bevorderingseisen van Wetenschappelijk Personeel | Framework for Requirements for Appointments and Promotions of UvA Academic Staff |
Kader Interne Kwaliteitszorg |
Internal Quality Assurance Framework |
Kader Kwaliteitszorg |
Quality Assurance Framework |
Kader Toetsbeleid |
Assessment Policy Framework |
Kader voor sociaal beleid bij reorganisaties aan de UvA | Framework for Social Policy within Reorganisations at the UvA |
kaderbrief |
framework letter |
Kadernotitie ziekteverzuimbeleid | Framework for Sickness Absence Policy |
kaderprogramma (EU) | framework programme |
kandidatuur | candidature |
kantine | cafeteria |
kasstroom |
cash flow |
Kengetallen Universitair Onderwijs (KUO) | University Education Indicators |
kennis, inzicht en vaardigheden | knowledge, understanding and skills |
kennisbenutting |
knowledge exploitation; knowledge utilisation |
kennisclip |
microlecture |
kennisdeling |
knowledge sharing |
kennisgebied | area of expertise |
kennisinstelling |
knowledge institution |
KennisKring Amsterdam | Knowledge Network Amsterdam |
kennismigrant | highly skilled migrant |
kennisoverdracht | knowledge transfer |
kennistransfer | knowledge / technology transfer |
kennisvalorisatie | knowledge valorisation |
kennisveiligheid |
knowledge security |
kerngegevens | key facts |
kerntaak | core responsibility |
kerstreces | Christmas recess |
Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs | Options Guide for Higher Education (Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs) |
keuzemodel arbeidsvoorwaarden | individual terms of employment scheme |
keuzeonderdeel | elective course |
keuzeprogramma | elective programme |
keuzevak |
elective |
Kiesreglement | Elections Regulations |
kinderopvangregeling | childcare scheme |
klaagschrift | notice of complaint |
klacht (indienen) | complaint (to lodge a) |
klachtencommissie |
Complaints Committee |
klachtencoördinator |
complaints coordinator |
klachtenloket |
complaints desk |
Klachtenregeling | Complaints Regulations |
Klachtenregeling personeel UvA | Regulations for UvA Employee Complaints |
Klachtenregeling sollicitanten Universiteit van Amsterdam | Regulations for Job Applicant Complaints at the University of Amsterdam |
Klachtenregeling Wetenschappelijke Integriteit |
Academic Integrity Complaints Regulations |
kleine dynamisering | small-scale stimulation |
Klinische forensische psychologie |
Clinical Forensic Psychology |
Klinische neuropsychology |
Clinical Neuropsychology |
Klinische ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Clinical Development Psychology |
Klinische psychologie |
Clinical Psychology |
Klokkenluidersregeling Universiteit en Hogeschool van Amsterdam | UvA / HvA Whistleblower Scheme |
Kohnstamm Instituut (voor onderzoek van opvoeding en onderwijs) | Kohnstamm Institute |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) | Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) |
Korteweg-De Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdVI) |
Korteweg-De Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI) |
korting | credit, deduction |
Kostenvergoeding | Expenses Compensation Scheme |
kritische prestatie-indicator(en) (kpi, kpi's) | key performance indicator(s) (KPI, KPI's) |
Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen |
Arts and Culture |
Kunst-, religie- en cultuurwetenschappen |
Art, Religion and Cultural Science |
Kunstgeschiedenis |
Art History |
Kunstgeschiedenis en culturele en kunstzinnige vorming / Kunst algemeen |
Art History and Cultural and Artistic Education |
Kunstgeschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen |
History of Medieval Art |
Kunstgeschiedenis van de nieuwere tijd |
History of Renaissance and Early Modern Art |
Kunstgeschiedenis van de nieuwste tijd |
Art of the Modern Period |
Kunstmatige intelligentie |
Artificial Intelligence |
Kunstwetenschappen |
Art Studies |
kwalificerende minor | qualifying minor |
kwaliteitsbeoordeling | quality assessment |
kwaliteitsgelden |
Quality Agreement funds |
kwaliteitstoets | quality review |
kwaliteitszorg (intern / extern) | quality assurance (internal / external) |
Kwantitatieve economie |
Quantitative Economics |
kwartiermaker | person designated to pave the way / lay the groundwork for the launch of a new body or institute |
Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (LNVH) | Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) |
landelijke fixus | national quota (policy) |
Landscape and Heritage |
Landscape and Heritage |
langstudeerder | student who studies for longer than the set period |
langstudeermaatregel |
measure against the extended duration of study |
Laser Sciences and Biomolecular Phototonics |
Laser Sciences and Biomolecular Photonics |
Latijns Amerika studies |
Latin American Studies |
Latijnse taal en cultuur |
Latin Language and Culture (if Bachelor's or Master's programme) Classics (if Teacher Training programme) |
Latijnse taal- en letterkunde |
Latin Literature and Linguistics |
Learning Systems |
Learning Systems |
lector |
professor at a university of applied sciences |
leerdoel | learning outcomes, learning objectives, course aims |
leerlijn |
learning trajectory, learning path |
leermiddelen | teaching material |
leeromgeving | learning environment |
leeropbrengst |
learning outcome |
leeropdracht |
research remit |
leerplan | curriculum |
leerresultaat | academic achievement |
leerstoel | chair |
leerstoel (bezetten van) | to hold a chair (e.g. in philosophy) |
leerstoelgroep | chair group |
leertraject | learning pathway |
leeruitkomst |
learning outcome |
legaat (alumnirelaties) |
legacy |
legitimatiebewijs (algemeen) | proof of identity |
legitimatiebewijs (UvA student) | student ID card |
Leibniz Center for Law | Leibniz Center for Law |
leidinggevende | supervisor |
leraar-in-opleiding | student / trainee teacher |
lerarenbevoegdheid | teaching qualification |
lerarenopleiding (aan de UvA) | teacher-training programme (for secondary education) |
lesbevoegdheid | teaching qualifications, teaching credentials |
leslokaal | classroom |
lesstof |
course material |
letteren (de kleine) |
small-scale language and culture study programmes |
Letterkunde |
Literary Studies |
levenslang leren | lifelong learning |
Levensloopregeling | Life-course Savings Scheme |
levenswetenschappen |
Life Sciences |
leverancier |
supplier |
lezing | lecture |
Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Liberal Arts and Sciences |
lid (commissie) | member (committee) |
Life Sciences |
Life Sciences |
lijfrenteschenking |
charitable gift annuity |
Limnology and Oceanography |
Limnology and Oceanography |
Linguistics |
Linguistics |
Linguistics of European Languages |
Linguistics of European Languages |
Literary Studies |
Literary Studies |
Literature and Culture |
Literature and Culture |
Literatuur- en taalwetenschap |
Literary Sudies and Linguistics |
Literatuurwetenschap |
Literary Studies |
Logic |
Logic |
Logic and Language |
Logic and Language |
Logica en cognitiewetenschap |
Logic and Cognitive Science |
Lokaal Overleg | --- |
loonheffing | payroll tax |
Loopbaan Advies Centrum (LAC) | Student Careers Centre (SCC) |
loopbaanadviseur |
careers adviser |
loopbaanbegeleiding |
career counselling |
loopbaanbeleid | career development policy |
Loopbaanbeleid / Levensfasegericht personeelsbeleid | Career Development Policy / Age-related Human Resources Policy |
loopbaanontwikkeling |
career advancement |
loopbaanorientatie | career orientation |
Loopbaanprogramma |
Career Orientation Programme |
letter of representation |
lustrum |
lustrum (five-yearly anniversary) |
maatschappelijk verlof | community leave |
maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid | social responsibility |
Maatschappijleer en maatschappijwetenschappen |
Social Studies |
maatwerker |
maatwerker |
maatwerktraject | tailor-made programme |
macrodoelmatigheidstoets |
macro-efficiency check |
Macroeconomics |
Macroeconomics |
magazijn (bibliotheek) | stacks |
magna cum laude | magna cum laude, with great distinction |
magna cum laude |
magna cum laude |
major | major |
major-minor combinatie |
major / minor combination |
Management en organisatie |
Management and Organisation |
managementassistent |
management assistant |
marap |
management report with dashboards |
Marketing |
Marketing |
Marketing en Communicatie | Marketing and Communications |
marketing en studievoorlichting |
marketing and study programme information |
Marktontwikkeling | Market Development |
master | Master's degree / degree programme |
Master of International Finance (MIF) | Master of International Finance (MIF) |
Master of Philosophy in Economics | --- |
Masterexamen |
Master's final examination |
masterfase | Master's phase |
masteronderwijs |
Master's programmes |
masteropleiding | Master's programme |
masterproef |
Master's project |
masterprogramma | Master's programme |
masterstudent | Master's student |
matchingsgesprek |
matching interview |
matchingsoverleg | matching consultation |
materiële voorzieningen |
facilities |
Mathematical Econometrics |
Mathematical Econometrics |
Mathematical Physics |
Mathematical Physics |
Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Mathematics and Science Education |
Mathematics and Science Education |
Matra Training for European Cooperation (MTEC) | Matra Training for European Cooperation (MTEC) |
mecenas (alumnirelaties) |
patron |
medestudent | fellow student |
medewerker | employee, staff member |
medewerker Onderwijsontwikkeling (FMG) |
programme development officer (FMG) |
medewerkerskaart |
Staff ID Card |
Medewerkersmonitor | Employee Monitor |
medewerkersomgeving | staff portal |
medezeggenschap | participation in decision-making |
medezeggenschapsorgaan |
representative advisory body |
Medezeggenschapsregeling |
Regulations for participation in decision-making |
Medezeggenschapsregeling Studenten | Regulations for Student Participation in Decision-making |
Media & Communicatie Instituut (M&CI) | Media & Communication Institute (M&CI) |
Media en cultuur |
Media and Culture |
Media entertainment en populaire cultuur | --- |
Media Studies |
Media Studies |
Mediastudies |
Media Studies |
Mediatheek | Media Library |
Medical Anthropology (opleiding) | Medical Anthropology |
Medical Biochemistry |
Medical Biochemistry |
Medical Biology |
Medical Biology |
Medical Informatics |
Medical Informatics |
Medische (her)keuring (regeling) | Medical Examinations |
Medische anthropologie en sociologie |
Medical Anthropology and Sociology |
Medische informatiekunde |
Medical Informatics |
Medische psychologie |
Medical Psychology |
Mediterranean Archaeology |
Mediterranean Archaeology |
meelopen |
shadowing / shadowing opportunity |
Meerjaren-Huisvestigingsplan (MVP) |
Long-Term Accommodations Plan (MVP) |
meerjarenafspraak |
long-term agreement |
meerjarenbegroting | long-term budget |
meerjarige afspraak | long-term agreement |
meester in de rechten | Master of Laws |
mensa |
student restaurant(s) |
mentor | mentor |
mentoraat |
mentoring |
Menukaart arbeidsvoorwaarden | Terms of Employment Menu |
Menukaart regeling | Terms of Employment Menu |
Metafysica |
Metaphysics |
Metajuridica |
Meta Law |
Metropolitan Studies |
Metropolitan Studies |
Microeconomics |
Microeconomics |
Middeleeuwse geschiedenis |
Medieval History |
middelenafweging |
resource trade-off |
Midden-Oosten studies |
Middle Eastern Studies |
Migratie en etniciteit |
Migration and Ethnic Studies |
Migration and Ethnic Studies |
Migration and Ethnic Studies |
mijn studiegegevens (SIS) |
my study details (SIS) |
mijn studieresultaten (SIS) |
my study results (SIS) |
MijnUvA | My UvA |
milieukunde |
environmental sciences |
milieuzorg | environmental concerns |
Militair recht |
Military Law |
Militaire dienst | Military Service |
Militaire geschiedenis |
Military History (Strategic Studies) |
miljoenennota |
(national) Budget Memorandum |
minor | minor |
minor Educatie | Education minor |
model |
model |
modelantwoord |
model answer |
Moderne Europese geschiedenis |
Modern European History |
Moderne Europese letterkunde |
Modern European Literature |
Moderne Nederlandse letterkunde |
Modern Dutch Literature |
modulair onderwijs | modular curriculum |
module | module, course |
Molecular Design, Synthesis and Catalysis |
Molecular Design, Synthesis and Catalysis |
Molecular Simulation and Photonics |
Molecular Simulation and Photonics |
Mondzorgkunde |
Oral Hygiene |
Mozaïeksubsidie (NWO) |
Mosaic grant |
Museumconservator |
Museum Curator |
Museumstudies |
Museum Studies |
Musicologie |
Musicology |
Muziekwetenschap |
Musicology |
nabespreking |
post-exam discussion; debriefing session |
nabespreking (tentamen/examen) |
post-exam discussion |
nabestaandenpensioen |
Surviving Dependant's Pension |
nabetaling | subsequent payment |
nakijken (examen) |
to mark |
nakijktermijn |
marking period |
naplaatsingsdag |
late registration day |
nascholing | refresher course |
Nationaal instituut voor subatomaire fysica (Nikhef) |
Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) |
Nationale Studentenenquête (NSE) |
(Dutch) National Student Survey (NSE) |
Natural Language Processing and Learning |
Natural Language Processing and Learning |
Natuur- en sterrenkunde |
Physics and Astronomy |
Natuurkunde |
Physics |
natuurwetenschappen | natural sciences |
Nederlands |
Dutch |
Nederlands als tweede taal (NT2) |
Dutch as a Second Language |
Nederlands belastingrecht |
Dutch Tax Law |
Nederlands Instituut in Athene (NIA) | Netherlands Institute in Athens (NIA) |
Nederlands Instituut in Sint-Petersburg (NIP) | Netherlands Institute in Saint Petersburg (NIP) |
Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO) | Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) |
Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschapsbeoefening | The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice |
Nederlandse geschiedenis |
Dutch History |
Nederlandse letterkunde |
Dutch Literature |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) | Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Nederlandse recht | --- |
Nederlandse School voor Onderwijsmanagement (NSO) | Netherlands School for Educational Management (NSO) |
Nederlandse taal en cultuur |
Dutch Language and Culture |
Nederlandse taalkunde |
Dutch Linguistics |
Nederlandstalig onderwijs | study programmes taught in Dutch |
Neerlandistiek |
Dutch Studies |
Netherlands China Law Centre |
Netherlands China Law Centre |
netto uit te betalen | net amount payable |
nettoberekening | net calculation |
netwerk Women in the Faculty of Science (WIF) |
'Women in the Faculty of Science' (WIF) network |
Networking |
Networking |
Neurobiology |
Neurobiology |
Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |
nevenwerk | ancillary activities |
New Media and Digital Culture |
New Media and Digital Culture |
niet van toepassing (n.v.t.) |
not applicable (n.a.) |
niet-bekostigde (master) |
non-government-funded (Master's) programme or course |
niet-gerechtigde (verlening van een titel) | unlawful (conferral of a title) |
niet-initiële (programma) |
non-subsidised (programme) |
niet-wetenschappelijk (personeel) | non-academic (staff) |
Nieuwe geschiedenis |
Early Modern History |
Nieuwe Ideeën Prijsvraag |
New Ideas Competition |
Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur |
Modern Greek Language and Culture |
Nieuwgriekse taal- en letterkunde en Byzantinologie |
Modern Greek Linguistics and Literature and Byzantine Studies |
Nieuwste geschiedenis |
Modern and Contemporary History |
nominaal |
nominal |
nominaal studeren |
to study within the official time period with no delays |
non-degree programme | non-degree programme |
noodfonds | emergency fund |
Noord-Europese talen |
Northern European Languages |
Nota Begeleiding van studenten met een functiebeperking Universiteit en Hogeschool van Amsterdam | UvA / HvA Policy Document on Supervision for Students with Disabilities |
nota beoordelingsbeleid | assessment policy document |
Nota veiligheidsbeleid |
Safety Policy Memorandum |
Notarieel recht |
Notarial Law |
notitie |
memorandum |
Notitie Reservebeleid |
Reserve Policy Memorandum |
notuleren | to take notes |
numerus fixus | enrolment restriction / quota |
O&O-dienstengroep (ODG) |
O&O Service Group (ODG) |
Occupational Health |
Occupational Health |
Octrooifonds |
Patent Fund |
oefentoets |
office manager |
Office Manager |
om gewichtige redenen | on serious grounds |
ombudsfunctionaris |
ombudsperson |
Omgevingsrecht |
Environmental Law |
omzet | revenue |
onbezoldigd gewoon hoogleraar | non-salaried (full) professor |
Oncology |
Oncology |
onderbenutting |
underutilisation |
onderbrengen |
to organise in / place under / assign to |
onderdeel van onderwijseenheid (SIS) |
education unit part |
ondermandaat |
sub-mandate |
Ondernemersdag |
Entrepreneurs Day |
ondernemingsfinanciering | corporate finance |
Ondernemingsraad (OR) | Works Council (OR) |
ondersteunend- en beheerspersoneel (obp) |
support and management staff (OBP) |
ondersteunende diensten | support services |
onderwijs | education / teaching / (study) programmes / curriculum |
Onderwijs- en examenregeling (OER) | Teaching and Examination Regulations |
onderwijsaanbod | study programmes / courses offered |
onderwijsadministratie |
Faculty / Institute / School / Programme Administration |
Onderwijsadministratie en -ondersteuning |
Education Service Centre |
onderwijsambities |
educational objectives |
Onderwijsbalie |
Education Desk |
Onderwijsbalie en -secretariaat |
Student Desk |
onderwijsbeleid |
education policy |
onderwijsbeleidsplan |
education policy plan |
onderwijsbevoegdheid | teaching qualification / credentials |
onderwijsbijdrage | course fees |
onderwijsbudget |
funding to deliver degree programmes |
onderwijscluster |
programme cluster |
onderwijscommissie |
Teaching Committee |
onderwijscoördinator |
programme coordinator |
onderwijsdirecteur |
College / Graduate School director |
onderwijsdirecties |
directors of the Colleges and Graduate Schools |
onderwijseenheid |
course unit, unit of study (OER), module |
onderwijseenheid (SIS) |
education unit |
onderwijsevaluatie | teaching evaluation |
onderwijsinstituut |
College / Graduate School |
Onderwijsinstituut Economie en Bedrijfskunde | Economics and Business Educational Institute |
onderwijsjaarverslag |
annual report on education |
Onderwijskunde |
Educational Sciences |
onderwijskwaliteitsplan |
educational quality policy |
onderwijslast | teaching load |
onderwijslokaal | lecture room / hall |
onderwijsmodule | teaching module |
onderwijsniveau | level of education |
onderwijsonderdeel | course component |
onderwijsonderdeel (AMC) |
course |
onderwijsontwikkeling (competentie) | developing courses |
onderwijsorganisatie | programme organisation |
onderwijsprocessen |
teaching processes |
onderwijsprogramma | study programme, curriculum, teaching programme |
onderwijsregelgeving |
teaching regulations |
onderwijsregeling |
teaching-related regulations |
onderwijsrendement |
study success (rates) |
onderwijsruimte | lecture room |
Onderwijssecretariaat |
Faculty / Institute / Programme / School Secretariat |
onderwijssector | sector of education |
onderwijsservicecentrum |
teaching service centre |
onderwijssysteem | education system |
onderwijsuitvoering (competentie) | teaching |
onderwijsvernieuwing | educational reform |
onderwijsverplichting | academic requirements |
onderwijsvisie |
vision on teaching and learning |
onderwijsvorm | teaching method; mode of study (i.e. full-time, part-time) |
onderwijswetenschappen |
Education Sciences |
onderwijzend personeel | teaching staff |
onderzoek | research |
Onderzoek Commissie Financiën en Huisvesting |
Finance and Accommodations Research Committee |
onderzoek en onderwijs | research and teaching |
onderzoeker |
researcher, post-doctoral researcher |
Onderzoeksafdeling |
Research Department |
onderzoeksassistent |
Research Assistant |
onderzoeksbelang | research interest |
onderzoeksbeleid | research policy |
onderzoeksbeoordelaar | research reviewer |
onderzoeksbevoegdheid | research qualification |
onderzoekscapaciteit | research capacity |
onderzoekscentrum | research centre |
onderzoekscommissie | research committee |
onderzoekscoördinator |
research coordinator |
onderzoeksdirecteur |
research director |
onderzoeksdoel | purpose of the research |
onderzoeksdoeleinden | research aims |
onderzoeksfase | research phase |
onderzoeksgebied | research area |
onderzoeksgegeven | research data |
onderzoeksgroep | research group |
onderzoeksinspanning | research effort |
onderzoeksinstelling | research institution |
Onderzoeksinstituten AMC-UvA | Research Institutes AMC-UvA |
onderzoeksinstituut | research institute |
Onderzoeksinstituut ACTA | Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA) |
Onderzoeksinstituut Amsterdam Business School (ABS-RI) |
Amsterdam Business School Research Institute (ABS-RI) |
Onderzoeksinstituut Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE-RI) | Amsterdam School of Economics Research Institute (ASE-RI) |
Onderzoeksinstituut Psychologie | Psychology Research Institute |
Onderzoeksinstituut RESAM | Research Institute in Economics and Econometrics (RESAM) |
onderzoeksinstrument | research tool |
onderzoekskosten | research expenses / costs |
onderzoekslaboratorium | research lab |
onderzoeksleider |
research leader |
onderzoeksmaster | Research Master's (programme) |
onderzoeksmedewerker |
research staff member |
onderzoeksmethode | research method |
onderzoeksmiddelen |
research resources |
onderzoeksobject | subject of the research |
onderzoeksondersteunende staf | research support staff |
onderzoeksopdracht | research assignment |
onderzoeksopleiding | research training |
onderzoeksopzet | research plan / design |
onderzoeksplan | research plan |
onderzoeksprogramma | research programme |
onderzoeksresultaat | research result |
onderzoeksschool |
research school |
onderzoeksspeerpunt | research focal area |
onderzoeksstaf |
research staff |
onderzoekssubsidie |
research grant |
onderzoeksterrein | research area |
onderzoekstraditie | research tradition |
onderzoeksuitkomst | research results |
onderzoeksveld | research area |
onderzoeksverblijf |
research residency |
onderzoeksverslag | research report |
Onderzoeksvisie | Research Perspective of the University of Amsterdam |
onderzoeksvoorstel | research proposal |
onderzoeksvraag | research question |
onderzoekswerk | research work |
onderzoekszaal | research room |
onderzoekszwaartepunt | research priority area |
ongedeeld vwo | unified pre-university education |
ongedeelde opleiding |
unified degree programme |
ongewenst gedrag |
undesirable behaviour |
onkosten | expenses |
onkostenvergoeding | reimbursement of expenses |
onregelmatige dienst | irregular working hours |
ontheffing | exemption |
ontvankelijkheid |
admissibility |
Ontwikkelingspathologie |
Developmental Psychopathology |
Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Developmental Psychology |
ontwikkelingsstudies | development studies |
onvoldoende (cijfer) | a fail |
oordeel (aanvankelijk) |
initial judgement |
oordeel (definitieve) |
final judgement |
Oost-Europese geschiedenis en Oost-Europakunde |
Eastern European History and Eastern European Studies |
Oost-Europese studies |
Eastern European Studies |
opdracht (studie) | assignment |
opdracht tot waarneming | written substitution order |
open inschrijving | open enrolment |
open stadscampus |
open city campus |
open toetsvraag |
open test question |
Open Universiteit (OU) | Open University (OU) |
Open UvA-Colleges |
Open UvA Courses |
openbaar onderwijs | public education |
openbaarheid van examens | public nature of examinations |
openbare instelling | public institution |
openingstijden | opening hours |
operatie brede labels |
broad labels operation |
Operationele Research en Management |
Operational Research and Management |
Operations Research |
Operations Research |
opfriscursus | refresher course |
opfrisverlof |
refresher training leave |
opkomst (college) | attendance (lecture) |
oplegger |
introduction |
opleiding | degree programme |
opleidingenaanbod | range of courses on offer |
Opleidingenzoeker | Study Programme Finder |
opleidingscapaciteit |
maximum number of student places |
Opleidingscommissie (OC) |
Programme Committee |
opleidingscoördinator |
programme coordinator |
opleidingsdirecteur |
programme director |
opleidingsprogramma | training programme |
opleidingsronde |
programme information session |
opleidingsstatuut | programme charter |
opleidingstype |
type of programme |
oppakken |
to act on |
Opvoedingsondersteuning |
Studies of Child Rearing and Family Support |
oratie | inaugural lecture |
organisatieontwikkeling |
organisational development |
Organisation Economics |
Organisation Economics |
Organisationele en corporate communicatie |
--- |
organogram | organisational chart |
orientatiejaar | orientation year |
Orientatiejaar UvA-HvA | UvA-HvA Orientation Year |
orientatieprogramma | orientation programme |
Orthopedagogiek |
Child and Youth Care Sciences |
Oude geschiedenis |
Ancient History |
ouderejaars student | senior student |
Ouderschapsverlof | Parental Leave |
Oudheidstudies |
Classics and Ancient Civilisations |
output studiejaar |
degrees awarded per year |
OV-studentenkaart | student public transport pass |
overeenkomst | agreement |
overgangsregeling | transitional arrangement |
overige lasten | miscellaneous expenses |
overlegstructuur |
consultative structure |
overlegvergadering |
consultative meeting |
Overlegvergadering FSR |
Consultative meeting Faculty Student Council |
Overlegvergadering OR |
Consultative meeting Faculty Works Council |
overmacht | force majeur |
overtolligheid | redundancy |
OWI-student | OWI student |
P&O Advies | P&O Advice |
P&O-adviseur | personnel adviser |
Particle and Astroparticle Physics |
Particle and Astroparticle Physics |
Paul Scholten Centrum voor metajuridisch onderzoek (PSC) | Paul Scholten Centre for Legal Research |
PDCA-cyclus (kwaliteitszorg) | PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle (quality assurance) |
PDCA-schema |
PDCA cycle |
Pedagogiek en onderwijskunde |
--- |
Pedagogiek, onderwijskunde en lerarenopleiding (POWL) |
Child Development and Education (POWL) |
pedagogische academie basisonderwijs (pabo) | teacher-training college for primary education (PABO) |
Pedagogische wetenschappen |
Pedagogical Sciences |
pedel |
Beadle (University Master of Ceremonies) |
peercoachproject |
Peer Coach Project |
penningmeester |
treasurer |
pensioen | pension |
penvoerder | lead organisation / institution |
penvoerende faculteit | faculty that acts as the lead organisation, coordinating faculty |
periodiek bestuurlijk overleg (PBO) |
periodic executive consultations (PBO) |
periodiek overleg (PO) |
periodic consultations |
permanente educatie (PE) |
continuing professional education (CPE) |
personeel | personnel, staff |
Personeel & Organisatie (P&O) |
Personnel & Organisation (P&O) |
personeel-in-dienst (PID) |
UvA-employed personnel |
personeel-niet-in-dienst (PNID) |
personnel not employed by the UvA |
Personeels- en Salarisadministratie (PSA) |
Personnel and Salary Administration (PSA) |
Personeelsadministratie |
Personnel Administration |
personeelsadviseur |
personnel adviser |
personeelsbeleid | personnel / staffing policy |
personeelsbestand |
workforce |
personeelsfunctionaris | personnel officer |
personeelsinformatiesysteem |
Personnel Information System |
personeelsnummer | personnel number |
persoonsgebonden subsidies | personal grants |
persoonsgegevens | personal data |
Persuasieve communicatie |
Persuasive Communication |
Persuasive Communication |
Persuasive Communication |
persvoorlichter |
press officer |
Persvoorlichting | Press Office |
PhD-opleiding | doctoral programme |
Philosophical Tradition in Context |
Philosophical Tradition in Context |
Philosophy |
Philosophy |
Philosophy and Public Affairs |
Philosophy and Public Affairs |
Philosophy in Economics | --- |
Physics |
Physics |
Physics of Life and Health |
Physics of Life and Health |
Pierson Révész Bibliotheek |
Pierson Révész Library |
plaatsingsbewijs | placement certificate |
plaatsingsdossier | placement file |
plaatsvervangend | deputy |
plan (SIS) |
academic plan |
plan van aanpak |
action plan |
plandocument |
planning document |
planning commissie |
planning committee |
Planning en Control |
Planning and Control |
Planologie |
Urban and Regional Planning |
planperiode | planning period |
planperiode |
planning period |
Platform duurzaamheid |
Sustainability Platform |
plichtsverzuim | neglect of duty |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Geographies |
Political Geographies |
Politicologie |
Political Science |
Politieke en sociale filosofie |
Social and Political Philosophy |
Politieke theorie en politiek gedrag |
Political Theory and Political Behaviour |
populariserend | mainstream |
portier | porter, receptionist (front desk) |
positionering |
positioning |
post-master | post-Master's degree programme |
Post-Master Accountancy (opleiding) | Post-Master Accountancy |
postacademisch | postgraduate |
postacademisch onderwijs | postgraduate continuing education |
postcode | postcode |
postdoc | postdoc, postdoctoral researcher |
postdoctoraal programma |
advanced diploma programme, post-experience programme |
postdoctoraal-onderzoeker |
postgraduate researcher |
postdoctoraal-opleiding |
post-'doctoraal' programme |
postgraduate (student) | postgraduate (student) |
postinitiële masteropleiding |
--- |
postinitieel | postgraduate, advanced |
postinitiële opleiding |
postgraduate programme |
practicum | practical training; practical |
practicumruimte | training area |
practicumzaal | training room |
pre-master | pre-Master's programme |
Pre-Seed fonds |
Pre-seed Fund |
Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image |
Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image |
prestatiebekostiging | performance premium(s) |
prestatiebeurs | performance-related grant |
Prestatiebeursfonds | Performance-linked Student Grant Fund |
prestatieindicator(en) (kpi, kpi's) | key performance indicator(s) (KPI, KPI's) |
Privaatrecht |
Private Law |
Privaatrecht A |
Private Law |
Privaatrecht B |
Private Law B |
Privaatrechtelijk rechtspraktijk |
Private Law Legal Practice |
Procedure behandeling bezwaarschriften personeel | Staff Objection Procedure |
Procedure werving en selectie van personeel aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam | University of Amsterdam Staff Recruitment and Selection Procedures |
Procedurele Regeling Gezamenlijk Doctoraat UvA | Procedural Regulations for Joint Doctorates at the UvA |
proefschrift | PhD / doctoral thesis |
proefstudeerweek |
'taster days' |
proefstuderen |
to take part in one-day introductory programme to a prospective study programme / taster session(s) |
proeftoets |
pilot test |
Prof. | Prof. |
Prof. dr. | Professor / Prof. |
Professional-in-residence | Professional-in-residence |
professionele master | --- |
profielschets | basic profile |
profielthema |
profile theme |
profilering | profiling, the way the University presents itself to the outside world |
Profileringsfonds | Profiling Fund |
programma (opleiding / inhoud) | (study) programme, curriculum |
programma Diversiteit en Studiesucces |
Diversity and Study Success programme |
programma-aanbod | programmes offered |
programmadoelstellingen | programme objectives |
programmagroep |
programme group |
programmaleider |
programme director |
Programmamanager (Her)huisvesting |
Programme Manager Humanities Campus |
programmamanager ICTO |
ICTO programme manager |
projectassistent |
project assistant |
projectcoördinator |
project coordinator |
projectdirecteur Services UvA-HvA |
Project Director Services UvA-HvA |
projectleider |
project leader |
projectmanager |
project manager |
promotie | conferral of a doctorate, (the process of) obtaining a doctorate |
promotiebursaal | trainee research assistant |
promotieonderzoek | doctoral research |
promotieopleiding |
doctoral programme |
promotieplaats | doctoral position |
promotieplechtigheid | doctoral thesis defence ceremony; defence of a doctoral thesis |
Promotiereglement | Doctorate Regulations |
promotiestudent | doctoral / PhD student |
promotietraject | doctoral programme |
promotor (van promovendus) |
(principal) supervisor (of a doctoral / PhD student) |
Promovendi Netwerk Nederland | PhD Network of the Netherlands |
promovendus | PhD / doctoral researcher / candidate |
promoveren | to pursue / obtain a doctorate |
Proof of Concept fonds |
Proof of Concept Fund |
propedeuse | propaedeutic year; first year of a degree programme |
propedeuse (diploma) |
first-year diploma |
propedeuse Gedrag en samenleving |
Behaviour and Society, propaedeutic year |
propedeuse-examen | propaedeutic exam |
propedeuseopleiding | propaedeutic course / year |
propedeuseprogramma | propaedeutic programme |
propedeusestudent | first-year student |
propedeusevak | propaedeutic course |
propedeuseverklaring | propaedeutic transcript |
Psychobiologie |
Psychobiology |
Psycholinguïstiek en taalpathologie |
Psycholinguistics and Language Pathology |
Psychologie |
Psychology |
Psychologie van arbeid en gezondheid |
Psychology of Labour and Health |
Psychologische methodenleer |
Psychological Methods |
Psychology |
Psychology |
Psychonomie |
Psychonomics |
Public Economics |
Public Economics |
Public International Law |
Public International Law |
Publiekrecht |
Public Law |
publieksbegeleider |
visitor assistant |
Publieksgeschiedenis |
Public History |
Raad van de GSH |
Graduate School of Humanities Council |
Raad van het CoH |
College of Humanities Council |
Raad van Toezicht | Supervisory Board |
Raadsman wetenschappelijke integriteit |
-- |
raamplan |
general plan |
randvoorwaarde |
precondition |
rapportcijfer |
report mark |
reader (studiemateriaal) | reader |
Real Estate Finance |
Real Estate Finance |
Rechtsgeleerdheid |
Law |
Rechtspositiereglement Universiteit van Amsterdam (RUVA) | Regulations on Legal Status at the University of Amsterdam (RUVA) |
Rechtspositiereglement wetenschappelijk onderwijs en onderzoek (RWOO) | University Education and Research Legal Status Regulations (RWOO) |
rector magnificus |
Rector Magnificus |
redacteur |
editor |
Redacteur / Editor |
Editing and Publishing |
Redactie & Content |
Editorial Desk |
referaat |
talk |
reflectie |
reflection |
regeling | regulations / rules (for / concerning) |
Regeling Aanvullende bepalingen voor de assistent in opleiding | Regulations concerning Additional Provisions for Trainee Research Assistants at the UvA |
Regeling Aflopende toelag | Regulations on Decreasing Allowances at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling bedrijfshulpverlening |
Company Emergency Response Regulations |
Regeling Benoemingseisen | Regulations governing Requirements for Appointments at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Beoordeling functievervulling tijdens proeftijd | Regulations on Performance Assessment during Probationary Periods at the UvA |
Regeling Bescherming wetenschappelijke integriteit UvA |
Regulations for the Protection of Academic Integrity at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Bestuursbeurzen UvA |
Regulations on Administrative Body Membership Grants at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Bijzondere toelagen | Regulations on Special Bonuses at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Buitengewoon verlof 2007 | 2007 Regulations on Special Leave at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling crisismanagement |
Crisis Management Regulations |
Regeling Differentiatie in beloning om redenen van werving of behoud | Regulations on Differentiated Pay for Recruitment or Retention at the UvA |
Regeling Disciplinaire maatregelen | Regulations concerning Disciplinary Measures at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Duur en omvang dienstverband student-assistenten | Regulations on the Duration and Scope of Student Assistant Appointments at the UvA |
Regeling financieel beheer |
Financial Management Regulations |
Regeling Functionele werkzaamheden voor derden en nevenwerkzaamheden | Regulations governing Job-related Work for Third Parties and Ancillary Activities |
Regeling Gratificaties | Regulations governing Bonuses at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Heroverweging functiewaardering | Regulations governing Job Assessment Reviews at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Honoursprogramma en -certificaat UvA 2010 |
UvA Honours Programme and Certificate Regulations 2010 (Regeling Honoursprogramma en -certificaat UvA 2010) |
Regeling Kostenvergoeding | Regulations on Expenses Reimbursement at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Militaire dienst | Regulations for Military Service at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Nevenwerkzaamheden 2014 |
Regulations Governing Ancillary Activities 2014 |
Regeling Opleiding en studie | Regulations governing Training and Studies at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Ouderschapsverlof | Regulations governing Parental Leave |
Regeling Overdracht van werk | Work Transfer Regulations at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling ruimtegebruik |
Space Utilisation Regulations |
Regeling standaardmandaat bedrijfsvoering |
Standard Operational Management Mandate |
Regeling Studiefaciliteiten |
Staff Study Scheme |
Regeling studiefaciliteiten duurzame inzetbaarheid |
Staff study scheme for long-term employability |
Regeling Studiekeuze advies UvA |
UvA Regulations governing Recommendations on Choice of Degree Programme |
Regeling ter behandeling van klachten van personeelsleden en studenten van de Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Regulations for Employee and Students Complaints Procedures at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Toelagen en gratificaties bedrijfshulpverlening |
Regulations on Company Emergency Response Team Allowances and Bonuses |
Regeling Topsporters | Top-class Athletes Scheme at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Uitkering bij overlijden | Regulations on Death Benefit at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Uitvindingen van UvA-medewerkers en anderen | Regulations governing Inventions by UvA Staff and Other Parties |
Regeling Universitair Raadsman |
Regulations Governing the Confidential Adviser for Academic Integrity |
Regeling Vakantie | Regulations on Holidays at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Vakbondsactiviteiten | Regulations governing Trade Union Activities at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Waarnemingstoelage | Regulations on Bonuses for Temporary Substitution at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Werktijden | Regulations on Working Hours at the University of Amsterdam |
Regeling Wetenschappelijk verlof | Regulations on Academic Leave at the University of Amsterdam |
Regels en richtlijnen van de examencommissie |
Rules and Guidelines of the Examinations Board |
Regels voor het gebruik van universitaire gebouwen |
Rules for the Use of University Buildings |
Registeraccountant (opleiding) | Registered / Chartered Accountant |
reglement | regulations |
Reglement Klachtencommissie seksuele intimidatie |
Sexual Intimidation Complaints Committee Regulations |
Reglement Ombudsman Personeel aan de UvA | Regulations concerning the Ombudsman for UvA Employees |
Reglement UvAnet | UvAnet Regulations |
Reglement Vertrouwenspersoon Personeel aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam | Regulations concerning the Confidential Adviser for UvA Employees |
Reglement voor de Centrale Studentenraad | Central Student Council Regulations |
Reglement voor de Gezamenlijke vergadering |
Joint Meeting Regulations |
regulier onderwijs | regular study programme |
reguliere / niet-reguliere studerende |
fee-paying / non-fee-paying student |
reguliere master | (regular) Master's programme |
reisonkostenvergoeding woon-werk verkeer | travel-to-work expenses reimbursement |
Religie en identiteit in de moderne wereld |
Religion and Identity in the Modern World |
Religie en professie |
Religion and Profession |
Religie, cultuur en individu |
Religion, Culture and the Individual |
Religiewetenschappen |
Religious Studies |
Religious Traditions in Europe |
Religious Traditions in Europe |
remediërende module |
remedial module |
rendement |
study success, study success rates
reparatieopdracht |
remedial assignment |
repro |
print services |
Reproafdeling |
Copy Centre |
Research en redactie voor audiovisuele media |
Research and Editing for Audiovisual Media |
research fellow |
research fellow |
Research Institute of Child Development and Education (CDE) |
Research Institute of Child Development and Education (CDE) |
research manager |
research manager |
responsiecollege |
Q&A session |
resultaatgebied (P&O) | result area |
Rhetoric, Argumentation Theory and Philosophy (RAP) |
Rhetoric, Argumentation Theory and Philosophy (RAP) |
rijksbijdrage | government grant |
Roemeense taal en cultuur |
Romanian Language and Culture |
Roeterseiland Campus |
Roeterseiland Campus |
Roeterseilandcomplex |
Roeterseiland complex |
rooster | timetable |
roostervrije dagen (docenten) |
teaching-free days |
roostervrije dagen (studenten) |
lecture-free days |
Rubiconsubsidie (NWO) |
Rubicon grant |
Ruimtenordening 2007 |
Spatial Standardisation Regulations 2007 |
Ruimtenormering 2007 |
Spatial Standardisation Regulations 2007 |
Russisch |
Russian |
salarisschaal | salary scale |
salarisstrook | salary statement |
salaristrede | salary grade |
samenwerking | collaboration, cooperation |
samenwerkingsprogramma | joint initiative / programme |
SARA Reken- en Netwerkdiensten |
--- |
Scandinavisch |
Scandinavian |
Scandinavische taal- en letterkunde |
Scandinavian Languages and Literature |
Scandinavische talen en culturen |
Scandinavian Languages and Cultures |
Scandinavistiek |
Scandinavian Studies |
schakeljaar | pre-Master's year |
schakelonderwijs |
pre-Master's preparatory education |
schakelprogramma | pre-Master's programme |
schakelstudent | pre-Master's student |
Scheikunde |
Chemistry |
Scholars at Risk (SAR) | Scholars at Risk (SAR) |
scholingbereidheid | willingness to be trained |
schooldirecteur |
School director |
Schoolpsychologie |
School Psychology |
schrapkaart |
multiple choice answer form |
schriftelijk examen |
written exam |
schrijfopdracht | written assignment |
schrijfwijzer |
style guide |
Science and Entrepreneurship (SE) |
Science and Entrepreneurship (CE) |
Science for Energy and Sustainability |
Science for Energy and Sustainability |
scientific director |
scientific director |
scriptie |
thesis, final paper / project |
scriptiebegeleider |
thesis supervisor |
scriptiecoördinator |
thesis coordinator |
scriptiehandleiding |
graduation handbook |
scriptiereglement |
graduation handbook |
Secretariaat |
Secretariat |
Secretariaat College voor Promoties | Secretariat to the Doctorate Board |
secretaris |
Secretary |
Secretaris van de Universiteit | Secretary General of the University of Amsterdam / of the UvA |
sector | sector, field |
sectorplan |
sector plan |
secundaire-arbeidsvoorwaardenpakket | fringe benefits package |
Seed fonds |
Seed Fund |
selectie aan de poort | selection at the gate |
selectiecommissie |
selection committee |
selectieopleiding |
selective admission degree programme |
semester | semester |
Semitische talen en culturen |
Semitic Languages and Cultures |
Senaat | Senate |
senior medewerker |
senior staff member |
senior researcher |
senior researcher |
Seniorenregeling | Senior Employees Scheme |
Seniorkwalificatie onderwijs (SKO) |
Senior Teaching Qualification (STQ) |
SEO Economisch Onderzoek | SEO Economic Research |
Service & Informatiecentrum (SIC) | Service & Information Centre (SIC) |
Servicedesk |
Service Desk |
Serviceplein | Service Point |
shared service centre | shared service centre |
Sirius Programma voor Excellentie in het Hoger Onderwijs | Sirius Program for Excellence in Higher Education |
Siriussubsidie | Sirius grant |
slagen (voor een examen) | to pass (an exam) |
Slavisch |
Slavic |
Slavische letterkunde |
Slavonic Literature |
Slavische taalkunde |
Slavonic Linguistics |
Slavische talen en culturen |
Slavonic Language and Culture |
Sociaal Medisch Overleg | Social Medical Council |
Sociaal statuut bij reorganisaties | Social Charter for Reorganisations |
Sociaal- en menswetenschappelijke studie van de godsdienst |
Social and Psychological Study of Religion |
sociaal-geograaf |
Human Geographer |
sociaal-wetenschappelijke informatica | social science informatics |
sociaal-wetenschappelijke studie van de godsdienst | social and psychological study of religion |
Social Policy and Social Work |
Social Policy and Social Work |
Social Problems and Social Policy |
Social Problems and Social Policy |
Social Sciences |
Social Sciences |
Social Theory and Public Affairs |
Social Theory and Public Affairs |
Sociale beïnvloeding en interventies |
Mechanisms of Social Influence and Interventions |
Sociale geografie |
Human Geography |
Sociale geografie en planologie |
Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning |
Sociale geschiedenis |
Social History |
Sociale psychologie |
Social Psychology |
Sociologie |
Sociology |
Sociologie en antropologie |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Software Engineering |
Software Engineering |
Spaans |
Spanish |
Spaanse letterkunde |
Spanish Literature |
Spaanse taal en cultuur |
Spanish Language and Culture |
Spaarloon en Levensloop | Salary and Life-course Savings Scheme |
specialisatie | specialisation |
specialist managementinformatie | specialist in management information |
specificatiemodel |
specification model |
speerpunt | key area / objective |
Spinozapremie | Spinoza Prize |
Sport- en prestatiepsychologie |
Sport and Performance Psychology |
sportcampus |
athletics campus |
sportraad |
Sports Council |
spreekuren | surgery hours (i.e. consultation hours) |
spreiding |
distribution |
Sta-penning |
Stapenning honorary medallion |
Staats- en bestuursrecht |
Constitutional and Administrative Law |
staatsexamen | state examination |
Stadssociologie (opleiding) | Urban Sociology |
stafadviseur Integrale Veiligheid |
Senior Adviser Safety and Security |
Staff Immigration Office (SIO) |
Staff Immigration Office (SIO) |
Stafmedewerker Academische zaken |
Specialist Officer Academic Affairs |
stage |
internship |
stagiair |
trainee [BrE]; intern [AmE] |
Standaard Evaluatie Protocol (SEP) |
Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP) |
Standaardmandaat Bedrijfsvoering |
Standard Operational Management Mandate |
standaardwerk | a classic, a major work in a given field |
stapelaars | consecutive degrees |
startdatum | starting date |
startersbeurs |
starter grant |
Statistiek (opleiding) | Statistics |
statuut | statute |
Sterrenkunde |
Astronomy |
Sterrenkundig Instituut Anton Pannekoek (IAP) | Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek (IAP) |
steunvak |
support course |
Stichting CREA | CREA Foundation |
Stichting Folia Civitatis | Folia Civitatis Foundation |
Stichting SPUI25 |
SPUI25 Foundation |
Stichting Universitair Sport Centrum (USC) Amsterdam | University Sports Centre (USC) Amsterdam Foundation |
Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten (UAF) | Foundation for Refugee Students (UAF) |
stilteruimte |
contemplation room |
stimuleringsbeurs |
incentive grants |
stimuleringsprogramma |
incentive programme |
Stochastics and Financial Mathematics |
Stochastics and Financial Mathematics |
Strafrecht |
Criminal Law |
Strategie & Informatie (S&I) | Strategy & Information (S&I) |
Strategisch informatiebeleid |
Strategic Information Policy |
strategisch kader HRM |
Strategic HRM Framework |
Strategisch kader internationalisering |
Strategic Framework for Internationalisation |
Strategy and Organisation |
Strategy and Organisation |
structuurregeling | regulations governing the structure (of an institution) |
studeerbaarheid | study programme feasibility |
studeergedrag | study habits |
student-assistent |
student assistant |
student-lid (commissie) |
student member (committee) |
studentassessor |
student assessor |
studentbegeleiding |
student guidance and support |
Studenten Services (StS) | Student Services (StS) |
studentenadministratie |
student administration |
studentenarts(en) |
student doctor(s) |
studentenbegeleider |
supervisor (in context of thesis / PhD) |
Studentencentrum |
Student Centre |
Studentendecaan |
Student Counsellor |
studentengezondheidszorg |
student health services |
Studentenhandboek | Student Handbook |
Studenteninformatiesysteem (SIS) | Student Information System (SIS) |
Studentenklachtenregeling |
Student Complaints Procedure |
studentenleven | student life |
Studentenpastoraat | Student Chaplaincy |
Studentenpsycholoog |
Student Psychologist |
Studentenraad | Student Council |
Studentenstatuut | Students' Charter |
studententevredenheid | student satisfaction |
studentenuitwisseling | student exchange |
studentenvereniging |
student association |
studentenvoorzieningen | student services |
studentnummer | student ID number |
studie-inhoud | content of the study programme, programme content |
studie-uitval | dropout rates |
studie-uren |
hours of study |
studieaanbod | (study) programmes offered |
studieactiviteit (SIS) |
study activity |
studieadvies | academic counselling |
studieadvies (SIS) |
academic advisement |
studieadviseur |
(academic) study adviser |
studiebegeleider |
tutor, coach |
studiebegeleiding | academic student counselling |
studiebelasting | study load |
studiebeurs | student grant / scholarship / fellowship |
studiecentrum | study centre |
studiecultuur |
study ethos |
studiedeel (SIS) |
course component |
studieduur | duration of study programme |
studiefinanciering | student grants and loans, (system of) financial assistance for students |
studiegedrag | study habits |
studiegids |
Course Catalogue |
studiegidsnummer (SIS) |
Course Catalogue number |
studiehandleiding | syllabus |
studiejaar | academic year |
studiekeuze | study choice, choice of study programme |
studiekeuze evenement |
programme orientation event |
studiekeuzeadvies |
advice/recommendation on choice of study programme |
studiekeuzeadviseur |
study choice adviser |
studiekeuzecoach |
study choice coach |
studiekeuzeplein |
study choice corner |
studiekeuzeportal |
programme information portal |
studiekeuzeproces |
study choice process |
studiekeuzetraject |
study choice route |
studiekeuzewijzer |
study choice guide |
studiekiezer |
prospective student |
Studielandschap | Learning Resource Centre |
studielast | workload |
studielening | student loan |
studieloopbaan | academic career |
studieloopbaanbegeleiding | academic career counselling |
studieloopbaancoordinator (FGw) |
study career coordinator |
studiemateriaal | study materials |
studiemethode | study method |
studieonderdeel | course component |
studieopbouw | programme structure |
studiepad |
study path |
studieplan |
academic plan |
studieplek | study space |
studieprestatie |
academic performance |
studieprogramma | curriculum |
studiepunt |
credit |
studiereisbeurs | student travel grant |
studierendement | academic success rate |
studieresultaat |
grade point average |
studierichting | degree programme |
studierichtingcoördinator |
(degree) programme coordinator |
studieruimte | study area |
studiesucces | study success |
studieswitch |
switching degree programmes |
studietempo | study / learning pace |
studietraject |
study track |
studieverblijf (in Nederland) | period of study (in the Netherlands) |
studievereniging |
study association |
studieverlenging | prolongation of a (study) programme |
studievertraging | study completion delay |
studievoorlichting | programme information |
studievoorschot |
student loan |
studievoortgang | study progress, student's progress |
studievoortgangscontrole | monitoring students' progress |
studievorm (voltijd / deeltijd) |
mode of study (full-time / part-time) |
Studieweb | Studieweb |
studiezaal |
study room |
Studium Generale | Studium Generale |
stuurgroep |
steering committee |
summatieve toetsing |
summative assessment |
SURFsara |
SURFsara |
surveillant (examen) |
invigilator (exam) |
surveilleren |
supervise an exam, invigilate an exam |
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) | Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) |
switch |
switches |
Systeem- en netwerkbeheer |
System and Network Management |
System and Network Engineering |
System and Network Engineering |
Systems Biology |
Systems Biology |
T.M.C. Asser Instituut | T.M.C. Asser Institute |
Taal en communicatie |
Language and Communication |
Taal- en letterkunde |
Language and Literature |
Taalbeheersing, argumentatietheorie en retorica |
Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric |
Taalfilosofie (opleiding) | Philosophy of Language |
taalhulp aan allochtone studenten | language assistance for ethnic minority students or students with a non-Dutch background |
Taalkunde van de Europese talen |
Linguistics of European Languages |
Taalkunde van de Germaanse talen (opleiding) |
Germanic Linguistics |
Taalkunde van de Romaanse talen (opleiding) |
Romance Linguistics |
Taalwetenschap |
Linguistics |
Taalwetenschappen |
Linguistics |
talenkennis | language skills |
talenpracticum | language laboratory |
Tandheelkunde |
Dentistry |
Taskforce Duurzaamheid |
Sustainability Task Force |
Tax Compliance |
Tax Compliance |
teamagenda | team calendar |
Technologie Centrum (FNWI) | Technology Centre |
tegemoetkoming studiekosten | student aid; partial government allowance for additional study expenses |
Tekst en communicatie |
Text and Communication |
Televisiestudies |
Television Studies |
Television and Cross-Media Culture |
Television and Cross-Media Culture |
tempobeurs | performance-based student grant |
tentamen | examination |
tentamenblad | examination answer sheet |
tentamenfraude |
exam fraud; cheating |
tentamenopgave |
exam paper |
tentamenvoorblad |
exam cover page |
tentaminering |
examinations |
tentaminering en examinering |
examinations |
tenure track aanstelling |
tenure track appointment |
tertiaire arbeidsvoorwaarden | tertiary terms of employment |
tevredenheidsonderzoek | satisfaction survey |
The Philosophical Tradition in Context |
The Philosophical Tradition in Context |
Theaterwetenschap |
Theatre Studies |
themacollege | themed lecture |
Theologie en religiewetenschappen |
Theology and Religious Studies |
Theoretical Physics |
Theoretical Physics |
Theoretische taalwetenschap |
Theoretical Linguistics |
Theorie der muziek |
Theory of Music |
Tijdelijke UvA-regeling Vakbondsactiviteiten | Temporary Regulations on Trade Union Activities at the University of Amsterdam |
Tijdelijke UvA-regeling Werktijden | Temporary Regulations on Working Hours at the University of Amsterdam |
tijdlijn |
timeline |
tijdverantwoording |
time registration |
Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE World University Rankings) | Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE World University Rankings) |
Tinbergen Institute Master of Philosophy in Economics |
Tinbergen Institute Master of Philosophy in Economics |
Tinbergen Instituut |
Tinbergen Institute |
titel | title |
titulatuur | (system of) titles, forms of address |
toegepast onderzoek | applied research |
toegewezen | allotted |
toehoorder |
auditor; observer |
Toekomstvisie | Vision for the Future |
toelatingsbewijs | (written) Confirmation of Admission |
toelatingscommissie |
Admissions Board |
toelatingscriteria |
admission criteria |
toelatingseisen | admission requirements |
toelatingsexamen | entrance exam(ination) |
toelatingsonderzoek |
admission assessment |
toelatingsprocedure |
admissions procedure |
Toelatingsverklaring | Statement of Admission |
toelatingsverzoek |
admission request |
toelatingsvoorwaarden | admission requirements |
Toestemming verlate inschrijving | Permission Statement for Late Registration |
toestemmingsbewijs | Permission Statement |
toets | exam, examination, test |
Toets Doelmatigheid |
Efficiency Audit |
Toets Nieuwe Opleidingen (van NVAO) |
Initial Accreditation (Toets Nieuwe Opleidingen) |
toets- en tentamenvormen |
testing and examination methods |
toetsanalyse |
assessment analysis |
Toetscommissie |
Assessment Committee |
toetsconstructie |
test design |
toetsdeskundige |
assessment specialist |
toetsdossier |
assessment record |
toetsen |
assessment |
toetsing |
assessment |
toetsing en beoordeling |
asssessment |
toetsing en examinering |
asssessment and testing |
toetsing van studenten | learning assessments |
toetsingscommissie | assessment / evaluation committee |
toetsingsmethode | method of testing, assessment method |
toetsinstructie |
exam instructions |
toetskwaliteit |
assessment quality |
toetslandschap |
assessment landscape |
toetsmatrijs |
test blueprint |
toetsmoment |
assessment time |
toetsonderdeel |
assessment component |
toetsopdracht |
test assignment |
toetsplan |
assessment plan |
toetsprogramma |
assessment and testing programme; assessment schedule |
toetsrooster |
examination schedule |
toetsvoorblad |
test cover page |
toetsvorm |
assessment format; form of assessment |
toetsvraag |
test question |
toezicht |
oversight |
toezichthouder (promotor) | supervisor (of a PhD student) |
toezichthouder (surveillant) | monitor |
toga |
gown |
toga en baret (met) |
in cap and gown |
top master's | --- |
TOP-stage |
TOP internship |
toppublicatie |
high-impact publication |
topsporter | top-class / high-level competitive athlete |
Toptalentsubsidie | Top Talent grant |
trackcoördinator |
track coordinator |
Trade and Investment Law |
Trade and Investment Law |
Training and Development |
Training and Development |
traject | track |
treasurybedrijf |
treasury division |
treasurystatuut |
Treasury Statute |
Trefwoordenlijst | Keyword overview |
trimester | trimester, term |
tussentijdse aanmeldingen | interim applications |
tussentijdse toets |
midterm test |
tussentoets |
midterm test |
tutor |
tutor |
tutoraat |
tutoring |
tweede beoordelaar |
Second Reader |
tweede geldstroom | indirect government funding / government funding allocated via a research organisation / second flow of funds |
Tweede-taalverwerving |
Second Language Acquisition |
tweedegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid | teaching qualification for secondary education, second level |
tweedejaarsstudent | second-year student |
tweefasenstructuur | two-tier structure |
uitdiensttreding |
termination of employment |
uitgaande mobiliteit |
outbound mobility |
uitgangspunt | starting point, basic assumption, point of departure |
uitkeringsgerechtigde | person entitled to benefits |
uitreiking (diploma) | graduation (ceremony) |
uitschrijven (van een universiteit) | to terminate enrolment |
uitslagenbrief | results form |
uitstelgedrag |
postponement behaviour |
uitstroom |
graduation rate |
uittreksel (bevolkingsregister) |
certificate (from municipal register) |
uitval |
dropout rates / dropout(s) |
uitvaller | dropout |
uitvoeren (onderwijsonderdeel) | implement (course component) |
uitvoeren (taak) |
perform (task) |
uitvoeringsvoorschrift | implementation provision |
uitwisselingsprogramma | exchange programme |
uitwisselingsstudent | exchange student |
undergraduate (student) | undergraduate (student) |
undergraduate college | --- |
universitair | university |
universitair docent (ud) |
assistant professor [AmE] / university lecturer [BrE] |
Universitair Functieordenen (UFO) | University Job Classification System (UFO) |
universitair hoofddocent (uhd) |
associate professor [AmE] / senior university lecturer [BrE] |
Universitair instituut (UI) |
University institute |
universitair legitimatiebewijs |
university ID cards |
universitair onderwijs | academic education |
Universitair Onderzoeks Fonds | University Research Fund |
Universitair Raadsman Wetenschappelijke Integriteit |
-- |
Universitair Sportcentrum (USC) | University Sports Centre (USC) |
Universitaire Commissie Onderwijs (UCO) | University Committee on Education (UCO) |
Universitaire Commissie voor Lokaal Overleg (UCLO) | University Local Consultative Committee (UCLO) |
universitaire dienst | university service unit |
universitaire klachtencoördinator |
University Complaints Coordinator |
universitaire legitimatiebewijs |
UvA proof of identity |
universitaire master | research university / academic Master's (programme) |
Universitaire Onderzoekscommissie (UOC) | University Committee on Research (UOC) |
Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (UPvA) |
Academic PABO Amsterdam (UPvA) |
Universiteit en Hogeschool Amsterdam (UHA) | University of Amsterdam and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences (UHA) |
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) | University of Amsterdam (UvA) |
Universiteiten van Nederland |
Universities of the Netherlands |
universiteitsbestuur | University administration |
Universiteitsbibliotheek (UB) |
University Library, Library of the UvA |
Universiteitsdag | University Day |
universiteitshoogleraar |
University Professor |
Universiteitskwartier |
University Quarter |
Universiteitsmuseum | University Museum |
universiteitsprofessor |
University Professor |
Universiteitsraad | University Council |
Universiteitsreglement | Management and Administration Regulations |
Urban Geographies |
Urban Geographies |
Urban Sociology |
Urban Sociology |
Urban Studies |
Urban Studies |
UvA Erfgoed | UvA Heritage Collections, Heritage Collections of the University of Amsterdam |
UvA Holding BV |
UvA Holding BV |
UvA mastercourses | UvA Master Courses |
UvA Masterweken | UvA Master Weeks |
UvA Matching |
UvA Matching |
UvA Persvoorlichting | UvA Press Office |
UvA Promovendi-overleg | UvA PhD Researchers' Association |
UvA Q |
UvA Q |
UvA Researchcode |
UvA Research Code |
UvA-beleidsnotitie 'ICT in de veranderende Onderwijsleeromgeving' |
UvA policy paper ICT in de veranderende Onderwijsleeromgeving (ICT in the changing educational learning environment) |
UvA-Docent van het Jaar Prijs | UvA Lecturer of the Year Award |
UvA-draadloos | UvA wireless |
UvA-dsl | UvA DSL |
UvA-Essaywedstrijd | UvA Essay Competition |
UvA-HvA Orientatiejaar | UvA-HvA Orientation / Reorientation Year |
UvA-protocol Onderzoeksevaluaties | UvA Protocol for Research Evaluations |
UvA-regeling | UvA Regulations |
UvA-scriptieprijs | UvA Thesis Prize |
UvA-Virenze (Academisch Behandelcentrum voor Ouder en Kind) | UvA-Virenze (Academic Treatment Centre for Parents and Children) |
UvA-vpn | UvA VPN |
UvA-website |
UvA website |
UvA-werkplek | UvA Workstation |
UvAdata |
UvAdata |
UvAmail | UvA-mail |
UvAnet | UvA-net |
UvAnetID | UvAnetID |
UvAprintvoorzieningen | UvA Printing Facilities |
UvAStartmagazine | UvA Start Magazine |
UvAweb |
UvAweb |
vacature | job vacancy |
vacaturebank | electronic job bank |
vacaturestop | recruitment freeze |
vacaturetekst | job advertisement |
vak (beroep) | profession |
vak (studie) | course, module |
vakantie uitkering |
holiday allowance |
vakdeskundige |
subject expert |
vakeigenschap |
course characteristic |
vakevaluatie | course evaluation |
vakgebied | field (of study), subject area, discipline; specialisation |
vakgroepbestuur | departmental board |
vakinhoud | course content |
vaknaam |
name of course |
vakorganisatie | representative employee organisation |
vakspecialist |
subject specialist |
Valorisatie bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Valorisation at the University of Amsterdam |
valorisatiedoel |
valorisation objective |
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) | Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) |
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut (WZI) | Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute for Experimental Physics (WZI) |
variant | --- |
vaste commissie |
standing committee |
Vaste Commissie (FGw) |
Standing Committee for Professorial Appointments |
vaste toehoorder |
standing auditor |
Vastgoed | real estate |
vastgoedbedrijf (intern) |
real estate division (internal) |
Veiligheid en Beveiliging (dienst) | Safety and Security Department |
veldwerk |
fieldwork |
Venisubsidie | Veni grant |
verantwoording | accountability |
verbeteractie | measure for improvement |
verbeterbeleid | improvement policy |
verbetermaatregel | improvement measure |
verbeterplan | improvement plan |
verblijfkosten | accommodation expenses |
verblijfsvergunning | residence permit |
verbonden (aan een instelling) | attached to |
verbreding |
broaden |
verbredingsvak |
advanced course |
verdediging (proefschrift) | defence (thesis) |
verdieping |
deepen |
Vereniging tot Bevordering van de Studie der Pedagogiek | Association for the Advancement of the Study of Educational Theory |
vergaderstukken |
meeting materials |
vergaderzaal | meeting / conference room |
vergoeding | reimbursement |
vergoeding woon-werk verkeer | |
Verklaring van inschrijving (UvA student) | Confirmation of Enrolment |
Verklaring van registratie (uitwisselingsstudent) | Confirmation of Enrolment |
Verklaring verlate inschrijving | Statement for Late Registration |
verkorte bachelor |
fast-track Bachelor's programme |
verkorte opleiding |
fast-track programme |
Verloskunde |
Midwifery |
verplicht vak | compulsory course |
verslag |
report |
Vertalen |
Translation |
Vertrouwenspersoon Individuele Rechtspositie (VIR) |
confidential adviser on individual legal status (VIR) |
vertrouwenspersoon ongewenst gedrag |
confidential adviser |
Vertrouwenspersoon Wetenschappelijke Integriteit |
Confidential Adviser for Academic Integrity |
Verzekeringskunde |
Insurance Science |
verzoek tot benoeming (hoogleraar) | appointment proposal |
verzoekschrift (SIS) |
petition |
verzorgen (van het bachelor- en masteronderwijs) | to provide (Bachelor's and Master's programmes) |
Verzuimprotocol UvA | University of Amsterdam Absence due to Illness Protocol |
verzuimspreekuur | absence-due-to-illness surgery |
vice rector |
vice-rector |
vicedecaan |
Vice-Dean |
vicedirecteur |
Vice-Director |
vicevoorzitter |
Vice-Chairperson |
vicevoorzitter (College van Bestuur) |
Vice-President (Executive Board) |
Vicisubsidie (NWO) |
Vici grant |
Vidisubsidie (NWO) |
Vidi grant |
vierde geldstroom | fourth flow of funds / funds generated in the commercial exploitation phase |
visitatie | assessment (procedure) |
visitatiecommissie | assessment panel |
visitatierapport | assessment report |
visitatiescore |
assessment score |
Vliegende Brigade |
Flying Brigade |
voertaal |
official language; language of instruction |
voldaan (aan vereisten) | a pass; met the requirements |
voldoende (cijfer) | a pass |
voldoendegrens |
pass mark |
volgorderlijkheid (van tentamens) |
sequence of examinations |
voltijd (programma / student) | full-time (programme / student) |
vooraanmelding | preliminary registration |
voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs (vwo) | university preparatory education (VWO) |
voorgangskandidaat | preferred candidate |
voorlichting | information |
voorlichtingsdag |
information day |
voorlichtingsdagen |
Open Days |
Voorlichtingsevenementen & Congressen |
Educational Events & Conferences Office |
voorlichtingsronde |
information session |
voornemen |
target |
vooropleiding | prior / previous education |
vooropleidingseis | educational entry requirement / prerequisite |
voorrangregels |
rules for priority admission |
voortgezet onderwijs (vo) | secondary education |
voortgezette opleiding | advanced / postgraduate programme (or degree course) |
voortrekkersrol |
a leading role (to play) |
voorwaardelijk toelatingsbewijs |
provisional confirmation of admission |
voorzieningen | services, facilities |
voorzitter (College van Bestuur) |
President (of the Executive Board) |
voorzitter (Raad van Toezicht / leerstoelgroep / commissie) |
Chairperson (Supervisory Board / research group / committee) |
vragenbibliotheek |
'question library' |
vrij onderwijsprogramma / vrij programma |
open curriculum |
vrije keuzevak | free-choice elective |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
vrijstelling | exemption |
vwo-diploma |
pre-university diploma |
vwo-instroom |
pre-university pupil intake |
vwo'er | pre-university secondary education pupil |
waardering |
valuation |
waarnemend | interim |
waarnemend voorzitter |
acting chairperson |
waarnemend voorzitter (College van Bestuur) |
Acting President |
waarnemingstoelage | bonus for temporary substitution |
Web Information Processing |
Web Information Processing |
webadviseur |
web consultant |
webmaster |
webmaster |
webredacteur |
web editor |
webredacteur Engels |
English Web editor |
weging |
weighting |
werk-tot-werktraject |
re-employment scheme |
werkbeleving | work environment perception / job satisfaction |
werkcollege | seminar |
werkervaringsplaats | 'work experience' position |
werkgeversverklaring |
employer's statement |
werkgroep | tutorial |
werkgroep Studiesucces | Study Success Task Force |
werkhouding | work ethos |
werking |
effects |
werkinhoud | work content |
werknemersorganisaties | employees' organisations |
werkoverleg | consultative meetings |
werkplaatsfunctie |
workplace function |
werkplek | workplace, workspace, workstation |
werkproces |
work process |
werkrooster | work schedule |
werksfeer | work atmosphere |
werkstudent | student with a (part-time) job |
werkstuk | essay |
werktijden | working hours |
werktijdfactor |
working hours factor |
werktijdoverschot (WTO) | surplus working hours (WTO) |
werkveld |
professional field |
werkverband | working group |
werkvergunning | work permit |
werkvorm |
teaching method |
Western Esotericism |
Western Esotericism |
Wet op het Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (WHW) |
(Dutch) Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) |
wetenschap | science; scholarship; knowledge; learning |
Wetenschap van godsdienst en levensbeschouwing | Religious and Ethical Studies |
Wetenschap, technologie en cultuur | Science, Technology and Culture |
wetenschappelijk onderwijs (wo) | research-oriented higher education with emphasis on theory, higher education at research universities (WO) |
wetenschappelijk personeel (wp) |
academic staff (WP) |
wetenschappelijk tijdschrift | academic / specialised journal |
wetenschappelijk(e) (directeur / onderzoek / personeel / staf) | academic (director / research / personnel / staff) |
Wetenschappelijke Informatiediensten |
Scientific Information Services |
wetenschappelijke master | research university / academic Master's programme |
wetenschapper | academic; scholar; scientist |
wetenschapsbeoefening | pursuit of scholarship |
wetenschapscommissie | academic / scientific (natural sciences) / research committee |
wetenschapsdynamica |
science & technology studies |
Wetenschapsfilosofie | Philosophy of Science |
wetenschapsgebied | subject area, (academic) discipline |
wetenschapsknooppunt |
science hub |
Wetenschapswinkel | Science Shop |
wettelijk collegegeld |
statutory tuition fees |
Wijsbegeerte |
Philosophy |
Wijsbegeerte van een bepaald wetenschapsgebied |
Philosophy of a Specific Science |
Winterprogramma | Winter Programme |
Wiskunde |
Mathematics |
wisselleerstoel | rotating chair |
wo-bacheloropleiding |
Bachelor's degree programme in an academic discipline |
wo-masteropleiding | postgraduate / Master's degree programme in an academic discipline |
WO-Monitor (van de VSNU) |
University Education Monitor |
woordvoerder (onderzoek) |
spokesperson (for research matters) |
Woordvoerder College van Bestuur UvA |
Spokesperson of the Executive Board UvA |
Youth and Media |
Youth and Media |
zakelijk coördinator |
operational coordinator |
zakelijk directeur |
operational director |
Zelfbediening | Self-Service Tool |
zelfbeoordeling | self-assessment (process) |
zelfstudie | self-study / internal review (in context of evaluation) |
zelfstudie-uren |
self-study hours |
zendtijdmodel |
'airtime model' |
ziekteverzuim |
absenteeism |
zij-instromer |
transfer student |
Zomerprogramma | Summer Programme |
Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam |
Zoological Museum Amsterdam |
Zuid-Europese talen |
Southern European Languages |
Zuidoost-Europese en Semitische talen |
Eastern and Southeastern European and Semitic Languages |
zwaartepunttrekker |
research priority area leader |